Innovations during the Progressive Era Objective 7.04
Wright Brothers Credited w/ inventing the airplane (from Ohio) Technically recognized for building the first controlled, powered, sustained flight involving a heavier- than-air vehicle
Movie Camera 1894—Thomas Edison
Coca-Cola 1886—John Pemberton Originally used as a medicine Made with cocaine and kola nuts
Electricity 1st in NYC (1899) Thomas Edison started w/ one area of the city and moved block by block
Kodak Cameras Developed four models in 1914 Prices ranged from $23-$50
Sewing Machines Singer patented in 1846 Clothing production up, prices down
New Production Processes Ford’s Innovations
1. Assembly Line 2. Model T ( ) First affordable car 3. $5 a day A lot for one day Allowed workers to become consumers themselves
Emergence of Advertising and Consumerism
Mail Order Catalogs Became very popular Examples: Eaton’s Department Store Sears Montgomery Ward