Homeostasis maintaining a constant internal environment despite changes in external environment
Regulatory Systems: 1. Nervous System brain, spinal cord, nerve bundles 2. Endocrine System endocrine organs, hormones, target organs
Feedback Systems Negative Feedback System: change detected, system(s) work to recover homeostasis common in body ex. thermostat in house
Positive Feedback System Very rare in living organisms change detected, system(s) further amplify or speed up change ex. oxytocin during birth
1. Structure & Function of the Nervous System 2 Major Parts to NS 1. CNS (central nervous system): brain & spinal cord 2. PNS (peripheral nervous system) nerves to and from CNS
PNS made of 2 parts: 1. Sensory Division (Afferent) impulses from receptors to CNS Informs CNS of the state of the body (interior and exterior) Sensory nerve fibers can be somatic (from skin, skeletal muscles or joints) or visceral (from organs w/in body)
2.Motor Division (Efferent) Conducts impulses from CNS to effectors (muscles/glands) motor nerve fibres
Division of Motor NS Motor NS further divided into 2 parts: 1. Somatic NS Under voluntary control – responses can be consciously controlled motor nerves that carry commands from CNS to skeletal muscles, external sensory organs like skin Reflex reactions are an exception – we’ll see these soon.
2. Autonomic NS Controls involuntary muscles (cardiac and smooth).
The autonomic NS is made from 2 antagonistic systems always trying to balance each other sympathetic NS controls things like dilating pupils, increasing heart rate, relaxing bladder. fight/flight (controls organs under high stress situations) parasympathetic NS Constricts pupils, relaxes heart rate, contracting the bladder rest/digest (controls organs at rest)