ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTIN We must do everything possible to save our planet O
Hello, people of the world! There are five billion people in the world and they live in all different corners of it. They live on the snow and ice of the Poles and in the tropical jungles on the equator. They have climbed the highest mountains and walked on the sea bed. Some of them have even left the Earth and visited the Moon.The human species is the most numerous and the most powerful of all the animals on Earth. But we are the only species that can change the world, and we are the only species that can choose either to look after our world or to destroy it.
The nature that surrounds us is so beautiful!
But we are more aware of the environment then ever before.
Pollution from power plants spoil the atmosphere.
Waste pollutes our planet greatly.
Acid rain is the result of mixing gases, chemicals and water in the atmosphere. This mixture falls back to earth and kills plants. They can harm people too. Seven million hectares of West European forests are dead or dying because of acid rain.
Greenhouse effect is the problem of Earth’s rising temperature. Now, because of pollution, there are more gasses in the Earth atmosphere. So our planet becomes hotter.
Sea pollution is very dangerous because fish and sea animals die.