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1. adherent ad HEER unt Part of Speech- Definition- a follower of something such as a leader, party, philosophy, or profession Synonym- disciple, partisan Antonym- Sentence- He is an adherent of the Democratic party.
2. Advent AD vent Part of Speech- Definition- a coming or arrival Synonym- Antonym- departure Sentence-The children anxiously awaited the advent of summer.
3. Cache KASH Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-The child hid his treasured toy in a cache in the corner
4. Celestial seh LES chul Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- earthly Sentence-
5. Certitudes SIR tuh toods Part of Speech- Definition- things that are inevitable or certain, certainties Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- He was able to take his vows with absolute certitude.
6. Chide CHIDE Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- admonish, rebuke Antonym- Sentence-
7. converge kun VERJ Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to move apart Sentence-The cars converged at the intersection at the same time and crashed.
8. dictum DIK tum Part of Speech- Definition- an authoritative statement, decree Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-The dictum from the Pope allows this activity.
9. effusion eh FYOO zhun Part of Speech- Definition- a pouring forth (usually overdone in writing or speech) Synonym- Antonym- restraint; reserve Sentence-
10. exacting ig ZAK ting Part of Speech- Definition- demanding, requiring great care Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Concerning the form of the outline, the teacher was very exacting.
11. excise ik SIZE Part of Speech- Definition-to remove by cutting Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Hopefully, the doctor can excise the cancer from his liver.
12. fetid FET id Part of Speech- Definition- having an offensive smell Synonym- musty, rancid, rank Antonym- Sentence-
13. harbor HAR bur Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to turn away Sentence- It is illegal to harbor an escaped convict.
14. impermeable im PUR mee uh bul Part of Speech- adjective Definition- not able to be penetrated, unable to be passed through Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
15. incipient in SIP ee unt Part of Speech- Definition- beginning to come into being, the early stage of something Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
16. insolvent in SOL vunt Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- wealthy Sentence- Before Congress passed the legislation, many worried that the social security fund might become insolvent.
17. Jettison JET eh sun Part of Speech- verb Definition- to discard or to cast off, many times relates to spacecraft Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- The sailors were forced to jettison all excess weight in order to stay afloat.
18. Obtrude ub TROOD Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- intrude Antonym- to hold in; to recoil Sentence- It is often rude to obtrude one's opinions upon another when no invitation for them has been given.
19. quandary KWON duh ree Part of Speech- noun Definition- dilemma Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-
20. repentant reh PEN tunt Part of Speech- Definition- remorseful Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- Her repentant mood touched the jury, and she was absolved of guilt.
21. salubrious suh LOO bree us Part of Speech- Definition- healthful, favorable to one's well-being Synonym-wholesome Antonym- poisonous; harmful Sentence-
22. squander SKWON dur Part of Speech- Definition- Synonym- Antonym- to conserve Sentence- He squandered the family fortune on wine, women, and song.
23. tenet TEN ut Part of Speech- noun Definition- a doctrine or principle held as being true Synonym- Antonym- Sentence- The principle that only men may become priests is a tenet of that church.
24. Validate VAL eh date Part of Speech- Definition- to give official sanction Synonym- Antonym- to void; to nullify Sentence-
25. Vista VIS tuh Part of Speech- noun Definition- Synonym- Antonym- Sentence-As he reached the forest, he saw vistas of stone passages leading in many directions.