Vocabulary 1 Sample Questions Part One
[1] Use each of the following in a sentence: o borrow__________________________________ o have a rest_______________________________ o a ten-minute_____________________________
[2]Give the opposite of the following by adding the correct prefix. o possible
[3] Write the silent letter(s) on the line. o management ________ o chalk ____________
[4] Give the Arabic meaning of the following words and expressions. o political______________ o start a car_________________
[5] Change each of the following words into a noun: o active__________(spelling)
[6] Change each of the following words into a verb: o murderer__________(spelling)
[7]Give a synonym or brief definition of the following words in English: o go off____________ o explode____________
o I will ring you tomorrow. _______________________________________ [8] Rewrite each sentence changing the underlined verb into a noun:
[9]Write the American expression for each word. o Board pen __________________
[10] In each row, circle the word in which each the underlined word are pronounced differently: ○ diet friend quite science
[11] Add the correct suffix to the following words to change them into nouns. o weak________
[12] Add the correct suffix to the following words to change them into adjectives. o care ________