I. Parts of the Bunsen Burner a. GAS INLET: attached to tubing, leads to gas jet & supplies BB with methane (CH 4 ) b. DAISY WHEEL: controls amount of gas the BB receives; adjusts size of flame (Tall = wavy, Short = steady) c. CHIMNEY: turns in circular motion, mixes methane with oxygen, changes color of flame
I. Parts of the Bunsen Burner (continued) d. WINDOWS: open and close as you turn chimney, adjusts amount of oxygen e. BASE: supports BB, weighs it down (should always sit flat on ring stand or table)
II. Flame a. Chimney and daisy wheel change size, color, and stability of flame b. There should be a blue flame and a blue cone (blue cone is the hottest = 1500º C)
III. Safety a. Must wear safety goggles / apron until finished b. No long hair or loose clothing or cluttered workstation c. Must have properly adjusted flame d. Hot glassware looks the same as cold glassware e. Use test tube holders or tongs to touch heated glassware f. Use ring stand, wire gauze, and tongs (and clamps) to support beakers / flasks / equipment being heated NO HORSEPLAY
Emergency Hurt/Broken/ Fire-Tell adult immediately!!! Gas OffGas On End notes here
Use the following words to label the parts of the Bunsen burner Chimney/burner tubewindows/air control vent gas inlet daisy screw/gas control needle base Chimney/burner tube Windows/air control vent Gas inlet Daisy screw/gas control needle (up underneath it) Base
HOW TO LIGHT THE BUNSEN BURNER 1.Put on all of your safety gear. This includes but is not limited to: A.Goggles B.Apron C.Hair tie (if needed) D.No loose clothing.
2. Check your work area. What are the things you should be looking for? A.Paper is not next to Bunsen burner. B.No extra materials in the way. C.Check tubing. D.You have all necessary materials. 3. Your teacher will turn on the main gas. 4. You will turn on the local gas at your station. You do this by turning the gas jet knob so it points the same direction as the tubing.
5. Setting up the Bunsen Burner: close up daisy screw and windows (turn them as far right as possible without overtightening) a) Turn the daisy screw/gas control needle ¼ to ½ turn to the left. b) Turn the windows 3 full turns to the left c) Practice using the lighter (if you are having trouble, tilt it downward) 6. Light using the lighter. 7. Carefully adjust the chimney/ burner tube to get a blue flame.
HOW TO TURN OFF THE BUNSEN BURNER 2. Turn the daisy screw/gas control needle to the right until tight but do not force it. 1. Turn off the local gas. 3. When you are away from your station, only then may you remove safety gear.