µ_SG \ {MICROFINANCING} Goal \ Set up a new business unit that delivers a full range of banking services for the poor Where \ Existing offices C:\SG\TeamMicroSG\project\µ_SG QUESTION:\Banking & CSR\What to offer to all stakeholders?:\ POSSIBLE SOLUTION 1
Objectives\ Develop a profitable solidarity financing model {e.g. microcredits} Borrower commits to spend money according to certain rules Send children to school, nutrition, clean drinking water.. Our Mission\ Société Générale = banking for rich AND poor 1\ give microcredits to (poor) people who cannot get a regular loan at a commercial bank 2\ teach a set of instructions or values to customers 3\ provide other financial services Target audience\ Underprivileged\Poor people LT: globally C:\SG\...\µ_SG\FRAMEWORK 2
Method\ Based upon Grameen Bank, Bangladesh Wikiblog as interface for progress research Means of action\ FASE I {developing good business model} FASE II{giving practical recommendations} FASE III{pilot project} Processes\ Brainstorm Information gathering\Market research Elaboration of business model for µ_SG Practical implementation C:\SG\...\µ_SG\METHODOLOGY 3
Benefits Poor people: change to gain a higher standard of living SG: better image Employees: higher identification with company Customer: higher retention + more prospectors Execution period Dec.08 - Jun.09: test period by TeamMicroSG Jul : practical implementation TeamMicroSG\ Hans Hoorelbeke_Koen Lauwers_Steven Rosseel C:\SG\...\µ_SG\EXECUTION PERIOD C:\SG\...\µ_SG\BENEFITS 4