Unit 3: The Cell & Its Environment Ch 5: Inside The Cell
Structure of Cells 3-D, not 2-D –spheres, cubes, or bricks –Many can change shape –Some have spikes, bulges, or other strange extensions
Sizes of Cells Vary in size –Some < ½ µm (1 µm = 1/1000 mm or 1/1,000,000 m) –bacteria among the smallest –egg cells among the largest
Why is there a limit to cell growth?
2 Main Types of Organisms Unicellular Organisms –Single cell Carry out all processes in one cell –Ex. amoeba, paramecium, euglena Multicellular Organisms –Many cells Division of labor –cells are specialized (specific functions) –Ex. You, dog, tree, elephant Why can multicellular organisms be big if there is a limit to cell size?
Organization Within Cells Why might cells need to be organized? How are they organized??? ____________
Surrounds each cell –creates boundary between cell contents & outside environment (including other cells) Acts as a gatekeeper –selectively permeable Cell (Plasma) Membrane
Cytoplasm Gel-like substance filling much of cell –approx. 70% water –Contains organelles –Some chemical reactions
Two Major Types of Cells Prokaryotes –No nucleus DNA single chromosome –no mitosis –no membrane- bound organelles Eukaryotes (You – karyote!) –Nucleus DNA multiple chromosomes –mitosis –Membrane-bound organelles
Two Major Types of Cells
Eukaryotic Cell Organelles Plant & Animal Cells –*Cell (plasma) membrane –*Cytoplasm –Nucleus –Nuclear membrane (envelope) –Nucleolus –*Ribosome –Endoplasmic Reticulum –Golgi Bodies (Apparatus) –Mitochondrion –Cytoskeleton –Vacuole –Lysosome Plant Cells –Chloroplast –*Cell wall Animal Cells –*Cilia & flagella –Centrioles
Nucleus Control Center for Cell –Surrounded by nuclear membrane (envelope) selectively permeable –Inside nucleus Chromatin –DNA & Protein »Genetic information –Before cell divides chromatin condenses into chromosomes Nucleolus
In nucleus –where RNA is produced –can have more than one
Ribosomes & Endoplasmic Reticulum Ribosomes –Synthesize proteins from amino acids –Thousands in cell attached to endoplasmic reticulum free in cytoplasm
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) –Network of interconnected, flattened, tube-like membranes –transport proteins through cell Rough ER (RER) –covered w/ ribosomes Smooth ER (SER) –Lacks ribosomes Ribosomes & Endoplasmic Reticulum
Golgi Bodies (Apparatus) Stacks of flattened, slightly-curved, sac-shaped membranes –Packages, modifies & exports proteins within & out of cell –Lie close to ER
Mitochondria Rod-shaped –Inner membrane is highly folded Why? Powerhouse of the cell –Creates energy (ATP) for cell from food (glucose) Cellular respiration
Cytoskeleton Made of microtubules & microfilaments –proteins Give cell shape & support Helps organelles move around cell
Vacuole Fluid-filled sac –Plant cells-large vacuole –Animal cells-small vacuoles Store food, water, waste Role in maintaining osmotic balance –Central vacuole Maintains turgor pressure in plants –Contractile vacuole Pumps water out of many unicellular freshwater protists –Why would these organisms need to pump out water?
Lysosomes Small, round vesicles formed from golgi bodies –mostly in animals cells contain digestive enzymes –break down larger food molecules –break down old, worn out cell parts Lysosome animation
Chloroplasts Green, oval-shaped plastids w/ double-membrane –Contains chlorophyll (green pigment) Site of photosynthesis –Makes food (glucose) & releases oxygen Plants & some protists Chloroplast Cyclosis
Cell Wall outside cell (plasma) membrane protection & support –made of cellulose or chitin plants, algae, fungi, bacteria
Cilia & Flagella made from microtubules –cilia Shorter & more numerous –flagella Longer, but few in number For motility (movement) –whip-like motion
Centrioles Paired, rod-like structures near nucleus –made of a cylindrical of microtubule pairs Animal cells play role in cell division –separate chromosome pairs during mitosis
Extras ID eukaryotic animal cell organelles: online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=AP online.com/Objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=AP Cell Part ID interactive: online.com/objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=AP114 03http:// online.com/objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=AP Cell Organelles Game: