Annual Planning Task Force (APTF) Recommendations NOVEMBER 18, 2014
APTF Membership Aaron HilliardBeabe Akpojovwo Bonnie BerryFaisal Jaswal James CraswellJason Fuller Jody LaflenMaggie Harada Mary Kay WegnerRebecca Chawgo Co-conveners Patricia James and Tracy Biga MacLean
Recommendation document (available at President’s Cabinet portal site) Recommendations summary Introduction Purpose of planning and goals of successful planning A meaningful planning process fosters accountability, improves effectiveness, and provides opportunities to recognize excellence. Relationship of annual planning to accreditation Documentation: system, requested information, planning repository
NWCCU Accreditation: Emphasis on Institutional Planning 1 3.A.1. The institution engages in ongoing, purposeful, systematic, integrated, and comprehensive planning that leads to fulfillment of its mission. Its plans are implemented and made available to appropriate constituencies. 3.A.2. The institution’s comprehensive planning process is broad-based and offers opportunities for input by appropriate constituencies. 3.A.3. The institution’s comprehensive planning process that are analyzed and used to evaluate fulfillment is informed by the collection of appropriately defined data of its mission.
NWCCU Accreditation: Emphasis on Institutional Planning 2 3.A.4. The institution’s comprehensive plan articulates priorities and guides decisions on resource allocation and application of institutional capacity. 3.A.5. The institution’s planning includes emergency preparedness and contingency planning for continuity and recovery of operations should catastrophic events significantly interrupt normal institutional operations. 3.B. Core Theme Planning 4.A. Assessment 4.B. Improvement 5.A. Mission Fulfillment 5.B. Adaptation and Sustainability
Recommendations Demonstrate the commitment and engagement of the President’s Cabinet leadership team in all aspects of annual planning. 2.Incorporate presidential and vice presidential responses into the APTF recommendations to initiate a formal Annual Planning Process. 3.Place the responsibility for final unit clustering decisions on the President’s Cabinet leadership team. 4.Adopt a consistent template across academic and support units.
Recommendations Form task forces to make recommendations regarding next steps: a)Task force to propose recommendations about the relationship between annual planning and governance, including a system for feedback rolling up, down, and across the organizational structure. b)Task force to develop a template based on the elements listed in the Information Requested section (see below). 6. Use the annual planning process, aligned with the budget schedule, to inform resource allocation. 7. Use metrics for evidence-based decision making.
Recommendations Develop a communication plan that establishes wide-spread understanding of the planning process, enabling a campus-wide cultural shift to planning and assessment. 9. Encourage transparency on multiple levels. ◦Make unit plans broadly available to inform and to encourage collaboration. ◦Include annual planning accomplishments and challenges in the Annual Strategic Plan Review. ◦Provide rationale for budget decisions. 10. Ensure that annual planning is mapped primarily onto the strategic plan and secondarily to other planning processes and goal statements, such as the president’s annual goals. 11. Schedule a regular review of the annual planning process to include modifications based on user feedback.
Key Next Steps 2. Incorporate presidential and vice presidential responses into the APTF recommendations to initiate a formal Annual Planning Process. 5. Form task forces to make recommendations regarding next steps: ◦Task force to propose recommendations about the relationship between annual planning and governance, including a system for feedback rolling up, down, and across the organizational structure. ◦Task force to develop a template based on the elements listed in the Information Requested section.