Thermometers Thermometers A device to measure temperatures Epan needs a thermometer to measure the meat temperature E. coli in meat can survive at least 160°F temperature US Dept. of Health & Human Services suggests: 145°F for roasts, steaks, and chops of beef, veal, and lamb; 160°F for pork, ground veal, and ground beef; 165°F for ground poultry; 180°F for whole poultry To prevent foodborne illnesses
Types of Thermometers Liquid-in-glass Thermometers Bimetal Thermometers Resistance Thermometers Infrared Thermometers Gas Thermometers Liquid-crystal Thermometers SourceSource Source:
Epan Thermometer Design Multiple heat sensors in Epan spikes Spikes attached to heat-conducting base (Teflon/Silicon/Rubber) Insulated wire connected to computer chip by a connector Digital display of temp gradient on Epan handle
Enlarged Individual Spike (Heat Sensor) Sensor Base Wire
Sources thermometer-pans.htmhttp:// thermometer-pans.htm /meteorological-instruments/thermometer-info6.htm resistance-thermometers-work