Major de Coverley and Rome
Major ____ de Coverley First name? Awed and revered Little Known about him(132) “War injury” (133) First into captured cities (131)
De Coverley’s Responsibilities “His duties… did consist entirely… of pitching horseshoes, kidnapping Italian laborers, and renting apartments for the enlisted men and officers…” (131)
Horseshoes de Coverly’s typical activity Sanctuary; most too scared to approach him while he is playing Gives Milo the opportunity to begin his empire (135)
Rome Brings out the crazy in each character
Nately Too shy to want wealthy countess In love with a prostitute (161)
Hungry Joe Obsessed with photographing naked women (160)
Aarfy Refuses to sleep with women he could sleep with Makes everyone mad (156)
Yossarian Lonely, vulnerable; falls in love frequently “Yossarian was madly in love with all of them” (155) Rips up Luciana’s number (163)