Roman Shelter  The insuelae {apartment} were usually made out of wood,but because of fires there often made out of bricks.  The picture below is a picture.


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Presentation transcript:

Roman Shelter  The insuelae {apartment} were usually made out of wood,but because of fires there often made out of bricks.  The picture below is a picture of apartments in Rome.

Roman Food  If some Romans were rich they would eat pork lamb, chicken, beef, and fish.  If some Romans were poor they would eat vegetables, lentils, cucumbers, lettuce, apples, figs, nuts, and sometimes cheese and eggs.  The picture below is a Roman drinking glass.

Roman Clothing  Romans originally wear a large piece of wool wrapped around themselves.  The picture below is a Roman sandal.  The other picture is a picture of hair pins that woman wore in Rome.

Roman Economy  Romans grew crops and sold them to other people.  They planted fruits and vegetables.  The picture below is a picture of wild strawberries.

Roman Daily Life Values  Most Roman kids did not go to school  They did not go to school because they were helping there parents.  The picture below is a Roman teacher home schooling.

Roman Art/Music/Entertainment  Romans played chess, dice games, checkers, and knucklebones.  The picture below is a picture of Roman dice.  The picture on the right is a picture of Roman checker pieces.