Agenda for Face-to-Face IDT Meeting (1/4) Date: March 19 and 20 Place: Orange Room, SLAC March 19 (Tuesday) 9:00-9:10am T. Kamae; Charge for the Face-to-Face IDT Meeting: the First meeting and the Second F2F IDT meeting 9:10-9:40am W. Althouse; Schedule for Delta Baseline Review, EM production, CDR, and FM production. Break (9:40-10:00) 10:00-11:00 Session 1: Update on technical budgets, their contingencies and potential impact (Convener: Tune Kamae) T. Thurston: Important system issues (10 min) T. Kamae: Current status on Mass, power, downlink bandwidth, fairing clearance, and alignment budgets (10 min) T. Kamae: Constraints on the spacecraft attitude in various orbits and possible observation modes of LAT (10 min) S. Digel: EGRET experience and possible LAT observation modes (30 min)
Agenda for Face-to-Face IDT Meeting (2/4) Date: March 19 and 20 Place: Orange Room, SLAC March 19 (Tuesday) 11:00-11:30 Session 2: Mechanical and thermal system issues and s/c matters (Convener: Tim Thurston) Tim Thurston: Current status of LAT mechanical and thermal system (30 min) 11:30-12:00 Session 3: Planning for SAA crossing and Safe Mode (Convener: Scott Williams) Martin Nordby: Thermal Control System (TCS) Overview (25 min) Lunch break(12:00-13:00) 13:00-14:30 Session 3: Planning for SAA crossing and Safe Mode (Convener: Scott Williams) Scott Williams: GLAST Operations Overview Martin Nordby: Thermal Control System (TCS) Overview (25 min) Scott Williams: Entry and Recovery from Safe Mode (20min) Seth Digel: Entry and Recovery from SAA Mode (25 min)
Agenda for Face-to-Face IDT Meeting (3/4) Date: March 19 and 20 Place: Orange Room, SLAC March 19 (Tuesday) Break (14:30-15:00) 15:00-17:00 Session 4: Electronic system issues incl. verification plan and in-flight monitoring (Convener: Dave Lauben) T. Leisgang/D. Lung: GLAST verification approach (30 min) Dave Lauben: Instrument front-end and data simulator (20 min) DaveNelson: In-flight performance monitoring electronic sensors/signal paths (15 min) Tune Kamae: Information to be brought down for Calibration (15 min) JJ Russell: In-flight auxiliary data monitoring (15 min) Scott Williams: Demo of SOHO/MDI Instrument Ops Web (10 min)
Agenda for Face-to-Face IDT Meeting (4/4) March 20 (Wednesday) (8:00-9:00am Reserved for SSAC meeting) 9:30-12:00am Session 5: Schedule for Engineering Model and Prototypes (Convener: Eduardo do Couto e Silva) Lunch break (12:00-13:00) 13:30-14:30pm Session 6: Planning for GRB and AGN flare detection and alert (Convener: Steve Ritz) Break (14:30-15:00) 15:00-17:00 Session 7: Trigger optimization incl. fall-back plan for high counting rate (Convener: Jim Martin) Dave Lauben: Trigger signal formation (30 min) J.J. Russell: Global trigger decision (30 min) Adjourn