Richmond County School’s 2009 Cyber Academy
YouTube - Pay Attention Web 2.0 mp 3 Blogging Wikis SKYPE Social Networking PODCASTING Digital Storytelling Twitter Audio and Video Flickr
Did you KNOW?
Blogging With E-Chalk
YOU TUBE VIDEO YouTube - Blogs in Plain English
TERMS Blog- Web log (N) – On-line diary – Log of your thoughts, ideas, useful links, photos, videos, news (Rants, announcements, ponderings) Express Yourself – Focus on a particular subject: food, politics, news – Post or entry Blog- Maintain or add content (V) Blogger- One who blogs Blog Post- Individual article
BLOG BASICS Reverse chronological order- Latest story on top of website- others descend beneath it Title- header or subject Body Comments from readers Post Time and date
TYPES OF BLOGS Blog- detailed posting (articles) Podcasting- audio blog Vlog- video blog LinkBlog- links (social bookmarking) delicious Moblog- sending pictures from phone Microblog- short text message (Twitter) Miniblog-using 3 rd party info Liveblog-covering live events
Blogging Platform????
Reasons for Educational Blogs Collaborate Communicate Compare Discuss Explain Imagine Observe and Log Persuade Predict Problem Solve Question Remember and Reflect Highly Effective Way for Students to become Better Writers
From YOU TUBE 10 Reasons for Blogging in Classroom Literacy Engage Audience Interactive Multi-Learner Types Promotes ESL Interaction Electronic Agenda Distance Agenda Learner Communities Technology in the Classroom Environmentally Conscience
Teachers Blog… Reflect on teaching experiences/log/descrip tion Teaching tips Share activities How to’s Explore teaching/learning Post class information Communicate with parents Post writing prompts On-line readings Post class photographs
Media Center Blogs… Create a literature circle Create online book club Invite student comments on a character/author Link with another class somewhere in the world Update on Book Fairs New books Feature a magazine Rules Project Updates
Media Center Blog Media Center West Middle School - Blogs|Media CenterWest Middle School - Blogs|Media Center MHS Media Center The Unquiet Library
Examples… BLOGS
RESOURCES mages/%7BBDF419E4-E25D A D58E2566A%7D/eChalkPower.jpg