Student : Pei-Tzu Chiu Advisor : Cheng-Ho Chen Date : Date :
Outline IntroductionExperimental Results and discussion Conclusions
Introduction Composites prepared via the in situ polymerization of aniline in polymer matrices or the in situ polymerization of other monomers in the presence of PANI, were found to exhibit the better interfacial properties.
Introduction PANI nanorods/polystyrene (PANI/PS) composite was prepared via in situ radical bulk polymerization of styrene in the presence of the maleic acid doped PANI nanorods (PANI–MA). The microstructure and surface change of the PANI nanorods during the radical bulk polymerization was investigated mainly.
Materials Aniline (99.9%) Ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS, 99.9%) Maleic anhydride (99%)
Materials Styrene (St) Benzoyl peroxide (BPO)
Preparation of PANI nanorods Aniline (2.0 g) and maleic anhydride were added into 150 mL water with stirring in ice-water bath stirred for 30 min 50 mL aqueous solution of APS was added into the mixture drop-by-drop for 24 h The products were separated by centrifugation and washed with water and ethanol, and dried at room temperature. Aniline : Maleic Anhydride = 1 : 1 PANI-MA 1 Aniline : Maleic Anhydride = 3 : 2 PANI-MA 2 Aniline : Maleic Anhydride = 2 : 1 PANI-MA 3
Heated to 40 °C, 50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C 0.10 g BPO added upon each time to increase temperature except that 0.20 g BPO was added for 40 °C mixture was sealed and heated at 80 °C for 5 days and 100 °C for 2 days for 2 days 0.50 g PANI–MA 30.0 mL St
The black PANI nanorods/polystyrene (PANI/PS) composite TEM SEMTGA XPSSDY-4 Four-Point Probe Meter Surface Resistance Measuring Device
Results and discussion
Fig 1. TEM images 10.12Ω 2.77Ω 3.03Ω
Fig 2. SEM image of the fracture surface of the PANI/PS composite.
Fig. 3. TGA curves of the PANI–MA and PANI–PS nanorods
(a) XPS survey spectra of the PANI-MA and PANI-PS nanorods Fig 4. XPS spectra
The PANI nanorods were found to be dispersed well in polystyrene matrix due to the surface grafting of polystyrene during the radical bulk polymerization. The composites exhibited the semiconducting characteristics and their electrical conductivity increased with the increase of the amount of the PANI nanorods added in the radical bulk polymerization.