Stress: Below is a picture of two dolphins. Take a second, take a deep breath... If you can see both dolphins, your stress level is within the acceptable range. If you see anything other than two dolphins, your stress level is too high and you need a break - take the rest of today off.
Do You See The Dolphins?
Standard: SSPBF3: The student will discuss the components of stress: a. Categorize and explain the different physiological and psychological reactions to stress. b. Identify strategies to deal with stress that promote health; include coping strategies and behavioral modification.
Essential Question: Does stress affect teenagers differently from adults?
What is stress? Stress is the process by which we perceive and respond to stressors: events we appraise as threatening or challenging.
Three main types of stressors: Daily hassles Significant life changes Catastrophes
Emotional and physiological responses to stress: Vary depending on how we appraise stressors. If threatening we may freeze up or panic. If challenging we may be aroused and focused. Flight or fight response. (GAS) general adaptation syndrome/ three phases of reactions: alarm, resistance, and physical deterioration
Effects on our Health Higher than normal blood pressure Burnout Physical exhaustion Emotional and mental exhaustion Vulnerability to disease
Stress and Cancer: Stress does not create cancer cells, but stress does seem to weaken the body's normal ability to fight the growth of tumors that have already formed.
Stress and Heart problems: High levels of stress increase the risk of heart disease. Type A personalities: impatient, competitive, hard - driving, verbally aggressive, and anger prone. Type B personalities: more laid back, easygoing, and relaxed.
Can Outlook and Feelings of Control Influence Health? The simple answer is yes. Optimism and feeling able to control our daily routines foster better health. Optimist tend to have stronger immune systems. Pessimism and the feeling of having no control can actually harm us. Due to the release of hormones that the body tries to fight off which weakens the immune system.
What do you see? Is the glass of water half empty of half full? Optimist: Half full Pessimist: Half empty