Island of the Blue Dolphins Vocabulary By Avrey Hendrix BYU-I ELED 431
A water animal with a shell Did you know that ______ can be eaten for dinner?
RAVINE A long, deep, narrow, valley eroded by running water.
HEADLAND A narrow ridge of high land jutting out into the water. FYI: Another name for a large _______ is a peninsula.
Den or resting place of a wild animal
GNAWED Bitten at or torn away.
KELP Definition: Any of various large, tough, brown seaweeds Interesting facts -gives you energy -you can use it instead of salt -can be made into soap and glass.
SINEW Things we can do with it: cordage, binding points on arrow shafts, and for backing material for bows A Tendon or a cord that connects a muscle with a bone or part.