All Aboard Transport Lindy Hilding Tammie McDaniel Tina Palmer Tennille Sassano
Mission Statement The mission of All Aboard Transport is to provide safe transportation to those who are unable to obtain healthcare services independently.
Philosophy Every individual deserves equal opportunity to obtain proper healthcare.
Goals Our goal is to raise $50,000 by January 1st, 2015 to assist in meeting the needs of this service. Be up and operating by 2015
Objectives to meet the Goals Apply for Grant money Apply for Grant money Form a Nonprofit Organization Form a Nonprofit Organization Fundraising Fundraising
Organizational Structure
Board Member Job Description To organize, manage, and facilitate all of the daily activities of All Aboard transport
Supervisory Job Duties Transportation Director ◦ Reports directly to the Board Members ◦ Provides direction and oversight for the operations of the drivers to include dispatch, finance, and budget control.
Supervisory Job Duties Fundraising Director ◦ Reports directly to the Board Members ◦ Organize and oversee fundraising activities and fundraising volunteers ◦ Will be responsible for the handling, accounting, and depositing of all monies
Volunteer Job Duties Volunteer Drivers ◦Provides transportation services to residents of Montcalm County to and from health care appointments and to assist clients with entry and exit from vehicles as necessary.
Volunteer Job Duties Fundraising Volunteer ◦To assist All Aboard Transport with raising money for day to day operations. ◦Raising awareness of All Aboard Transport and its work ◦Inspires new supporters to raise money
Advertising Z-fold brochures Business cards Magnetic signs for van doors Newspaper advertisement Radio advertisement
Budget Analysis
Budget Projection
References D&B DUNS Numbers for U.S. Government Contractors & Grantees, (1994). About the D-U-N-S Number. Retrieved from Foundation Center: Knowledge to Build on, (2013, September 25). Establishing a Nonprofit Organization. Retrieved from, (2013). Registering as an Organization. Retrieved from U.S. Government System, (2013) SAM System For Award Management. Retrieved from