COSMO - ROmania Liliana VELEA National Meteorological Administration, Bucharest, Romania
Outline NMA Romania COSMO-RO Group Current state of work Romania involvement within COSMO Future plans
Starting date: October 2004 First results: December 2004 COSMO-RO Group Dr. I. V. PESCARU – head of Research Division Liliana VELEA – PhD student (Physics) Rodica DUMITRACHE – PhD student (Physics) C. Barbu – PhD student (Mathematics) NMA Romania
Current state of work at NMA NMA Romania LM used in pre - operational regimeLM used in pre - operational regime Comparative evaluation of HRM and LM Comparative evaluation of HRM and LM Study cases Experiments on precipitation scheme
NMA Romania Horizontal resolution: 14 km Forecast for: 78 h Forecast products: T2m (3h) Total precipitation (3h, 24 h, 48 h, 78h) IC & BC: GME, 00UTC runs
NMA Romania Models: HRM (operational – 28 km) LM (pre-operational – 14 km) Period of comparison: January – August 2005 Parameters:SLP T2m W10m PP Skill scores: Bias, MAE, RMSE FB, PC,FAR,POD,TSS
Romania’s involvement within COSMO NMA Romania QUANTIFY ( EU FP6 Integrated Project: Quantifying the Climate Impact of Global and European Transport Systems ) - 35 participants and 4 associated members from 16 European countries and the U.S.A - to quantify the climate impact of global and European transport systems for the present situation and for several scenarios of future development - focused field measurements, exploitation of existing data, a range of numerical models, and new policy-relevant metrics of climate change New COST project: AQFIS (Towards a Network of European Information Systems on Chemical Weather Assessment and Forecasting ) - to set up a forum for benchmarking, harmonising and developing approaches and practices for air quality forecasting network and (near) real- time information systems in Europe
Romania’s involvement within COSMO NMA Romania Infrastructure: - Linux Cluster 28 processors, Intel Xeon 2.66 GHz - 6 PCs, Pentium 4, 3.2 MHz - 1 Linux Server, 2 processors + New computational mainframe (INTEROPERATE) COSMO-RO group enlargement
Future plans NMA Romania Local LM in operational regime Use of new visualization system Implementation of data assimilation procedure Within COSMO Participation in WG3 activity
INVITATION NMA Romania Next COSMO General Meeting (2006) to be held in ROMANIA