Key results of World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-07) DOCUMENT #:GSC13-GRSC6-12 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-R AGENDA ITEM:GRSC 8 CONTACT(S):Kevin Hughes Submission Date: June 30, 2008
2 Some key statistics 22 Oct – 16 Nov agenda items addressing almost all radiocommunication services –Terrestrial: FS,MS, BS, Am, RAS, RLS –Space: FSS, BSS, MSS, EESS, SRS, SO, MetSat, AmSat –Applications: IMT, HAPS, HF, GMDSS, HIO ~2800 delegates ~3100 proposals Final Acts ~500 pages Partial revision of the Radio Regulations –most provisions in force 1 January 2009 –Resolutions with immediate effect Background to WRC-07
3 Results of WRC-07 (1) International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) Additional spectrum identified for IMT - Higher frequencies: to face growth in densely populated areas. - Lower frequencies to provide, at a reasonable cost, high speed mobile services everywhere, in particular in less densely populated areas. 450−470 MHz ((( ))) 698−862 MHz R2 & R3 (9 countries) ))) 790−862 MHz R1 & R3 ))) 2.3−2.4 GHz 3.4−3.6 GHz band ((( (no global allocation)
4 Results of WRC-07 (2) Aeronautical service –new allocations to respond to increasing air traffic, airport surface communications and aeronautical telemetry Maritime service –regulations brought up-to-date in line with modern maritime communications technology, including GMDSS Science services –new allocations to EESS and MetSat leading to improved resolution for sensors –better protection to passive services from active services Space services –decisions affecting FSS, BSS and MSS in various parts of spectrum, allowing improved sharing and harmonization with other services –additional allocation for satellite component of IMT –FSS Plan updated from technical and regulatory standpoints Emergency communications (Resolution 647 (WRC-07)) –database of available frequencies for use in initial phase of an emergency
5 Challenges following WRC-07 Preparation for WRC-11 –33 Agenda Items, again addressing almost all Radio Services –CPM11-1 established studies in ITU-R Study Groups Some principal themes of WRC-11 Safety –aeronautical communications by satellite and data links for air traffic management –digital technologies for improved maritime safety communications –use of amateur service as emergency communications back-up –radars and passive sensors for monitoring weather and environment “Classic” radiocommunication services –spectrum opportunities for new applications arising from “digital dividend” –satellite component of IMT –high-speed data fixed wireless applications above 70 GHz –HAPS –Electronic News Gathering (ENG) Regulatory issues –Software-defined and Cognitive Radios –Short-Range Devices (SRDs) –review of International Spectrum Regulatory Framework
6 Expected timetable November 2007: Agenda for WRC-11 adopted in Resolution 805 (WRC-07) November 2007: Preparatory studies started by CPM11-1 Third quarter of 2008: Council approves WRC-11 Agenda Third quarter of 2010: End of preparatory studies First quarter of 2011: CPM11-2 Fourth quarter of 2011: WRC-11
7 Supplementary information
8 Relevant links WRC-07 website R/index.asp?category=conferences&rlink=wrc-07&lang=en Presentation on results of WRC-07 Presentation on preparations for WRC-11 ITU-R Preparatory Studies for WRC-11 (CPM website) groups&rlink=rcpm-wrc-11-studies&lang=en