NUM !!!! Thanksgiving History A) Get your textbook. B) Grab a paper from the swivel chair in the front. C) Read and complete the right side only. D) We will be talking about Thanksgiving and food. Watch your fingers: Macey bites !!!! ;)
Pilgrims & Thanksgiving Fact or Fiction
TODAY’S CLASS You will need to fill out the notes handout as we continue throughout today’s class. PLEASE DO NOT WORK AHEAD. We will be discussing traditional Thanksgiving and Pilgrim stories and how truthful they are. We will be comparing our textbook with some other research. TB - If you see, “TB” written, that means this is what your textbook says on the issue. (1) - If you see (1), then that is a question you need to answer on your notes sheet.
Describe the Pilgrims’ journey to the “New World.” (1) Why did they pick Plymouth? (1)
TB TB: In September 1620, about 100 Pilgrims sailed for Virginia aboard a ship called the Mayflower. After a long voyage, they arrived safely in North America. However, storms had blown them off course, and they landed far to the north in what today is Massachusetts.
Why Plymouth? Most textbooks describe the landing here as a result of violent storms or from a navigation error. - Both of these explanations may be WRONG! Most believe the Pilgrims sailed here on purpose…
(2) How many Pilgrims were on the Mayflower? (2)
Why Plymouth? TB TB: about 100 pilgrims - Only 35 of the 102 were really Pilgrims - The rest were regular people wanting to seek fortunes and money in Virginia (They were told that is where the ship was going) Some believe the Pilgrims NEVER intended to go to Virginia (did not want to be under English control) - debated other areas—Guiana, South America
(3) Did the Pilgrims know about Plymouth before they arrived? Why or why not? (3)
Know about Plymouth? TB TB: NO—It was an accident that landed them here 3 reasons why the Pilgrims already knew about Plymouth: 1. Squanto, who lived in Patuxet, had already given one of the Pilgrim leaders a detailed description of the area 2. Samuel de Champlain had already explored the area and published maps in John Smith studied the area in 1614, named it New England, and he even offered to be the Pilgrims’ guide
Know about Plymouth? It isn’t 100 percent certain, but, based on this evidence, it is likely that the Pilgrims knew about Plymouth. If so, it would have been hijacking, kidnapping those 67 who were not Pilgrims.
(4) What was the Mayflower Compact? What did it do? (4)
Mayflower Compact TB TB: The colonists need a government since they were outside Virginia Company’s control Compact gave the colony “just and equal laws,” self- government - All white, adult males could vote If it was hijacking, the compact was not a great gesture for equality, but rather a compromise to avoid mutiny
(5) What was Plymouth like before the Pilgrims arrive? (5)
What was Plymouth like? Was NOT a wilderness Did not “start from scratch” - Natives had already cleared the land, creating a park-like environment Chose Plymouth because of its beautifully cleared fields, good harbor, and recently planted corn Europeans followed a similar pattern as before—take natives’ cleared land instead of removing the rocks and clearing it themselves
Map from Champlain
“The next morning, we found a place like a grave. We decided to dig it up. We found first a mat, and under that a fine bow…We also found bowls, trays, dishes…We took several of the prettiest things to carry away with us, and covered the body up again.”
(6) Who was Squanto? (6)
TB TB: …Squanto brought the Pilgrims seeds of native plants— corn, beans, and pumpkins—and showed them how to plant them. He also taught the settlers how to catch eels.
(7) How did Squanto learn English? (7)
Squanto had learned their language, he explained, from the English fisherman who ventured into the New England waters each summer. Squanto taught the Pilgrims how to plant corn, squash, and pumpkins. Would the small band of settlers have survived without Squanto’s help? We cannot say…
Squanto learns English 1605: Squanto stolen as a boy, taken to England - spent 9 years there 1614: recaptured in Mass, sold into slavery in Spain Sailed to Newfoundland, taken back to England 1619: sails back with English to Mass.
(8) When did the first Thanksgiving take place? (8)
The “First” Thanksgiving The Pilgrims did NOT introduce Thanksgiving - Eastern natives had observed autumnal harvest celebrations George Washington set aside days for national thanksgiving Our modern Thanksgiving in 1863, during the Civil War - needed patriotism Pilgrims were not included until 1890s -Not even called “Pilgrims” until in 1870s
Get out your notes handout from yesterday. Think about ways this picture is inaccurate or wrong, focusing on things we discussed yesterday. Think about ways it makes the Pilgrims look superior.