By JoshuaAzzopardi
On Wednesday the 3 and 4’s went to Sovereign Hill and the bus was late too.
First we went to the good ol’ days school the boys and girls had to line up the boys had to say after you we had to go last. Then I dressed up as a boy I looked silly then we had to do writing it was hard.
In the afternoon we all went to the gold smelting I liked the part how he made gold then put it in the water and went bubbly and Chloe brown got to hold it.
Next we went gold panning I found five they are tiny like glitter the man found heaps the water was cold and it was had.
Later on we went to nine pin bowling I went in the middle it was hard to pick up the ball so I went in the little one I did it so fast but I didn’t get a struck James got a struck I had to do the pins and give the ball to the next person it was fun. When we lift someone droped there gold and it smashes.
Next we went to the shops I brought a sing, a golden ring and lollies then when I went in the shop I saw Miss Martini she brought heaps.
Next we went to the red hill gold mine I was first to go down fifty stairs the girls were scared we got down and all water drip from the roof I got a little bit wet we watch the video and after the video we saw the biggest nugget.
Last we went on the bus me and Joel played rock paper scissors and I won ten times when we got back to school I went in the bathroom then I went to my mum.