The Human Reproductive System


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Presentation transcript:

The Human Reproductive System What you need to know: What are the organs of the female reproductive system? What are the organs of the male reproductive system? What are sex cells? What you need to do: Read pages 150 to 151 of Biology for You

Sort the keywords into two lists: one for the Sort the keywords into two lists: one for the male system and one for the female system Male Female Sperm Scrotum Vagina Testes Oviduct Ovary Uterus Cervix Ovum Sperm duct

What you need to do: Complete the Human Reproductive System worksheet

The ______ reproductive system male * * Bladder (not part of the reproductive system) * * Gland Sperm duct * Penis * Urethra * Testes * Scrotum

* * * * * * female Oviduct Uterus Ovary Vagina Cervix The ________ reproductive system * Oviduct * * Uterus Ovary * * Vagina Cervix

UTERUS Sometimes called the womb – if an egg is fertilised it will implant in the wall of the uterus and develop into a foetus CERVIX The opening or ‘neck’ of the uterus at the top of the vagina. VAGINA Connects the cervix to the outside of the body - sperm is deposited here by the penis during sex OVUM The female sex cell – sometimes called an ‘egg’. OVARY After puberty, egg or ovum is released from here once every 28 days or so. OVIDUCT Carries the ovum from the ovary to the uterus – the egg is fertilised here. SPERM The male sex cell – it is adapted to swim from the vagina to the egg. TESTES After puberty, these make sperm continuously. SCROTUM A sac of skin which holds the testes .

Outline the route taken from the testes by the sperm as it leaves the body Sperm leaves the testes and travels down the sperm duct... ... which travels past/through the glands. The glands provide the sperm cells with food so that they have energy for swimming The sperm duct joins the urethra... ... which carries the sperm out of the body.

Read page 149 of Biology for You Draw labelled diagrams of a sperm and an ovum Copy and complete the diagram below Sperms Eggs/Ova small cannot move much no food store 1 or 2 made per month large has a tail for swimming has a food store millions made each day

Sperm cell Membrane Ovum Nucleus Cytoplasm Jelly coat Tail... Sperm ... for swimming Sperm

What you need to know: What are the organs of the female reproductive system? What are the organs of the male reproductive system? What are sex cells?