BRANs at HL-LHC Sune Jakobsen (BE-BI-PM) 1st HL-LHC WP13 Project Meeting
The BRAN detector principal The Beam RAte of Neutrals, BRAN, monitors the collision rate in the LHC interactions points by converting neutral particles into hadronic showers. 1st HL-LHC WP13 Project Meeting BRANs at HL-LHCSune Jakobsen 2/5 Principal IP1/IP5 IP8 IP2 The BRANs can measure luminosity (also per bunch), but is mainly used to find and optimize collisions.
The BRANs at IP1 and IP5 The current gas detectors start to show signs of ageing and a replacement is needed (likely even before HL-LHC). It is not clear yet where to fit the BRANs in the new layout of the IR. Review of specification needed soon for needs of luminosity monitors for HL-LHC. 1st HL-LHC WP13 Project Meeting BRANs at HL-LHCSune Jakobsen 3/5 The TAN housing the BRAN will be rebuild for HL-LHC and will then be called TAXN. During this YETS a prototype based on Cherenkov light will be installed at IP1 LEFT. Principal IP1/IP5 IP8 IP2
The BRANs at IP8 New BRAN_C detectors based on Cherenkov light were installed during LS1 and is performing very well. 1st HL-LHC WP13 Project Meeting BRANs at HL-LHCSune Jakobsen 4/5 New mechanical design of the BRAN is needed to fit it inside the TAXN, but the technology (and some parts) can likely be re-used. No further upgrade is currently foreseen for HL-LHC. It is foreseen to install a TAXN already in LS2 at IP8. The current TAXN design foresee space to house a BRAN with dimensions similar to the current BRANs at IP1/IP5. The handling group foresee a crane similar to the current crane at IP1 for remote handling of the BRAN (and ZDC if requested by LHCb). Principal IP1/IP5 IP8 IP2
The BRANs at IP2 New BRAN_C detectors based on Cherenkov light were installed during LS1 and is performing very well. 1st HL-LHC WP13 Project Meeting BRANs at HL-LHCSune Jakobsen 5/5 No further upgrade is currently foreseen for HL-LHC. Principal IP1/IP5 IP8 IP2