Sam W
The Tundra is located at the very top of the world mostly in the arctic circle
The Tundra is mostly a plain with frozen ground. The Hudson Bay is one of the largest land forms in the tundra The Tundra because of its cold climate has many glaciers The largest area of animal life is on Victoria island
The Gyrfalcon is a carnivore that eats other birds can grow to be 63 cm in size and habits mountains as well as the tundra The musk ox is a herbavore that eats grass, moss, lichen, and leaves they can stand 7 feet at the shoulder The polar bear is a carnivore who feeds on small to large animals stands 8 feet and stays near the coast anon ice floes
Lichen is a plant like organizim that is found all over the tundra Wooly lousewort is a plant that survives by having carrot like roots Moss Campion is a moss that survives between rocks out of the wind
Q: Other then the animals you have are there others A:There are many other animals that have adapted to the harsh climate such as the snowy owl and the caribou