ICE AGE Ram John
Table of contents Causes of the ice agePage 1 People of the ice agePage 2 Animals of the ice agePage 3 GlossaryPage 4 IndexPage 5
What are the causes of the Ice Age? Scientist think that the Earth changes its orbit every 100,000 years, which explains several different Ice Ages. Earth’s orbit changing may have caused the temperatures to drop, as well as making Ice cover most of the planet. Thus creating several Ice ages throughout the rest of the earth!
Who are the people of the Ice Age? The people of the ice age name is Homo sapiens. Get shelter from mammoths skin and bones. Make tools for attacking and making shelter stone knives, sword, head, trap. Also with bones sewed warm
What were the animals of the Ice Age? There are lots of ice age animals but we are going to tell only three. Sabrtooths are a kind of well a carnivore most and some are weak or strong. Some or very less are captured by the homo sapiens. Do you want to know that who is the 2 nd mammoth in the ice age is the woolly mammoth the woolly mammoth is 9-11 feet tall, 4-6 tons and most live 250,000-10,000.
Glossary Ice age- a time marked by many large bodies of ice Orbit- the path of any object in space that revolves around other objects Mastodons- were hairy Mammoth- are big Sabertooth- looks like a tiger.
Index 1.Ice age page 9 2.Orbit pages 1,2 3.Mastodon pages 4,5 4.Mammoth 4,5 5.Saber tooth 4,5