Rules & Procedures
i) Must be a bona-fide amateur member of club. ii) Must be a member as at 1 st January. iii) As of October 1 st in preceding year UNTIL THE FIRST ROUND OF PENNANT player must return at least four cards in singles competition played at the club they represent. iv) Senior’s pennant – must have attained the age of 50 years prior to first round
IMPORTANT CHAN GE The Note in Rule 9(a) has been removed. There is no longer a clause that allows for clubs to ask for consideration of special dispensation for any member who has joined the club after 1 st January.
i) Maximum handicap is GA 27.4 ii) Senior’s and Handicap pennant is match-play with SEEDED draw. Playing order MUST be arranged in DAILY HANDICAP order with player number 8 (6 in Senior’s) the highest handicap down to player 1 (lowest handicap).
i) Each club must submit a form (supplied by the V.G.L.) registering proposed pennant players. Players not on the registration form can be added, by informing Phil Goad in writing – etc. with golf link number. NOTE: Once a player has played two (2) matches in Scratch pennant he becomes ineligible to play in Handicap pennant. ii) Each club MUST submit a card and copy of their current Local Rules and any Temporary Local Rules 14 days prior to first round to the V.G.L.
iii) It is the responsibility of the home club to organise tee off time with course management. iv) The home club must notify, IN WRITING, the visiting team at least 7 days prior to contest the starting time. v) At the same time of notification of the starting time the home club MUST supply the course (tee markers) that will be used and the slope rating of that course.
i) It is recommended that teams have a Team Manager who must be an amateur – preferably not be a player. (The League does not acknowledge “Captain’s”). Must notify the opposition team at the commencement of the match. ii) Non playing Team Manager’s may act within the scope of the Rules of Golf. VGL Pennant is a team competition. iii) If the Team Manager is a player or caddy he CANNOT give advice to any other team member while he is engaged in his match.
i) The Team Sheet shall be exchanged with the list of team members including their GA Handicap to one decimal point and the DAILY HANDICAP as a whole number. The team sheet and local rules must be exchanged 10 minutes prior to the stated hit off time. ii) Once the team sheet is exchanged by both teams it must not be altered, and any player not ready to play when called to the tee will FORFEIT the match.
i) Result sheets will be supplied to all clubs by the V.G.L. ii) The current GA & Daily Handicap and Match Result for each player MUST be entered beside their name. iii) The slope rating of the course played must be entered. iv) The Team Manager of EACH team must check results sheet for accuracy and sign declaration on sheet. v) Each team should have a copy of signed result sheet for each match and kept for the duration of the season and be available to the V.G.L. if requested.
i) Results MUST be entered by the Winning Team Manager (Home Team Manager if contest is DRAWN) via the internet in the "Results Vault" system before Monday 5pm following the match. ii) The opposition Team Manager MUST confirm the match results via the internet in the "Results Vault" system before Tuesday 5pm following the match. iii) Seniors pennant – Friday 5pm & Monday 5pm. iv) Result forms & internet results “should be the same”. v) Please make sure individual match results are correct –no corrections made after confirmation.
i) Clubs need to be mindful about the pace of play – visiting teams need to respect their hosts relationship with course management. ii) Each group must maintain its position in the field with respect to the group in front of them. iii) The host club may appoint a course marshal to dispense penalties in line with the Special rules & conditions applying to pennant finals. iv) The opposing team may also appoint a marshal for the contest. The appointed marshal’s must be non players and may be the Team Manager’s.