NIMAS/FLORIDA 0 UPDATE November 16, 2009 FDLRS November Institute
LET’S PRACTICE Get your clickers ready!
Today is November 16, 2009? 1.Yes 2.No
My primary job responsibility is: 1.Administrator 2.LATS / RTS 3.FDLRS Staff 4.Classroom Teacher 5.Itinerant Teacher 6.Other 3
My years of experience in education… Older than dirt 4
My level of expertise with Assistive Technology is…. 1.I’m a PRO 2.Very knowledgeable 3.Somewhat knowledgeable 4.I can get by 5.What’s AT? 5
My expertise with Accessible Instructional Materials is…. 1.I’m a PRO 2.Very knowledgeable 3.Somewhat knowledgeable 4.I can get by 5.AIM???? What’s AIM?? 6
I participated in one of the webinars for the ESE Directors or DRMs about NIMAS. 7 1.Yes 2.No
Let the Fun Begin….. (as everyone hums the Jeopardy music….)
NIMAS stands for: 9 1.National Initiative for Media Access Sys. 2.Natural, Intentional, Means of Accelerated Success 3.National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard 4.National Institute of Media & Access Systems
NIMAS National Instructional Materials Accessibility Standard –Publisher files are converted into a standard XML file format that is deposited into National Instructional Materials Access Center (NIMAC) –FILES ARE NOT STUDENT READY – must convert to appropriate format –Only applies to core instructional materials for eligible students with disabilities 10
Students with IEPs are automatically qualified to receive NIMAS derived files. 1.True 2.False 11
Eligibility NIMAS eligible students are students with IEPs who are: –Blind –Visually Impaired –Physically unable to read or use standard printed materials –Reading disabled due to an “Organic Dysfunction” 12
ESE students NOT eligible??? The IEP team has decided that an ESE student needs the Science Voyagers book in electronic format yet the student does not qualify for NIMAS files. What should the school do to ensure the student has access to appropriate instructional materials? 13
If the ESE student does not qualify for NIMAS files… Call or FIMC-VI 2.Contact publisher for permission to copy/convert book 3.Ask parents to buy another version of the book
Currently, all state adopted textbooks are available in electronic format from NIMAC 1.True 2.False 15
What’s required to be in NIMAC? State adopted, core instructional materials with copyright dates AFTER August 18, 2006 Other books may be available through NIMAC, but they are not required to be deposited If book is not in NIMAC, the district is responsible for procuring and providing the accessible instructional materials 16
True or False? NIMAC has the electronic file for the National Edition of Science Voyagers (2005 copyright). Your student needs the Florida Edition of the same book. The DRM should order the National Edition for the student. 17
National Edition of a NIMAC file should be used in Florida… 1.True 2.False 18
National versus State Editions National editions are not included in the Florida contractual agreements with publishers. The district must have a purchased copy of that specific book before NIMAS/Florida can request that the book be converted Two editions can be dramatically different 19
RFB&D downloads are one option for students needing combined audio and visual access. 1.True 2.False 20
At this time RFB&D files are….. AUDIO ONLY 21
Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic (RFB&D) Excellent for audio books of materials not available in NIMAC –Trade books not bundled with textbook –Reference works –Textbooks not in NIMAC –Instructional materials purchased with flex funds 22
Students with visual impairments should be registered with both FIMC-VI and NIMAS/Florida. 1.True 2.False 23
Students with Visual Impairments Students with visual impairments will continue to receive services through FIMC-VI Services will include access to NIMAS files Because of Federal Quota Funds, it is important that students with visual impairments are registered with FIMC- VI and NOT NIMAS/Florida 24
Finding the right file format… You have a student with CP that cannot manage a regular print text book. She uses a laptop for reading and writing. Her assessments indicate that she needs audio text that is supported with visual cues such as highlighting. What would be the best file format to request? 25
File format for student with physical disabilities: 1.Rich Text Format (RTF) 2.RFB&D 3.HTML 4.DAISY 26
Which file format does NOT provide navigation tools? 1.DAISY 2.Audio Plus 3.RTF 4.HTML 5.XML 27
File Format The RTF (Rich Text Format) does not offer navigation options DAISY, Audio Plus, HTML, XML all offer navigational supports 28
NIMAS/FLORIDA and Bookshare Delivery option for NIMAS derived files….. 29
NIMAS/Florida and Bookshare Bookshare will be an Accessible Media Producer (AMP) for NIMAS/Florida Initial conversions of NIMAC files will be assigned to Bookshare through NIMAS/Florida Initial conversions will be requested only for students registered with NIMAS/Florida 30
NIMAS/Florida and Bookshare Accountability and Data –Monthly Report of Florida K12 students accessing Bookshare files –Files are “fingerprinted” with name of DRM and student 31
Bookshare and YOU! For districts that have NIMAS Eligible Students, there are distinct advantages to acquiring a district-level Bookshare account For NIMAS eligible students, DRMs will be able to go directly to Bookshare to download previously converted Florida Edition textbooks 32
Post Test….. Get out your clickers…. 33
My comfort level with managing NIMAS derived files is… I’m ready 2. It’s making sense 3. I’m still not sure 4. I’m clueless 5. What are NIMAS files?
I would like more information about… File Formats 2. Bookshare 3. Eligibility 4. Registering Students 5. Other
For help with NIMAS or NIMAC questions, I should first … The RTS in my area 2. David Davis 3. Suzanne Dalton 4. Bookshare 5. RFB&D 6. Dawn Saunders
NIMAS/Florida RTS in your area: Rena Carney, Frank Crosby, Marcia Sterner, Lenore Remley, Beth Saunders Dawn Saunders: Suzanne Dalton: “Messengers” for today Kay Ratzlaff: Donna Ross: 37