W HAT IS A G OAL ? Something you want to achieve Something you work towards A task that you need to work hard to accomplish We use goals for: Helping us learn a new task Helping us make corrections Helping us reach for our dreams
G OALS M UST H AVE 5 Things: Conceivable Possible Controllable Measurable Definable
G OALS : C ONCEIVABLE Goals must make a clear statement that is easy to identify for someone looking at your goal Which one is conceivable? 1. “ I will own my own bakery.” 2. “ I’m really going to make something of myself.” #1: We don’t know what something is, it could be money, it could be fame, it could be independence, etc…
G OALS : P OSSIBLE A goal must be something that is possible for you to complete (this can be different for everyone). Which one is possible? 1. “I am going to be the President of the United States by the time I am 30.” 2. “I will earn my high school diploma by 18.” #2: You have to be 35 years old to be President
G OALS : C ONTROLLABLE You must be able to accomplish the goal with your own actions. Which one is controllable? 1. “I am going to get Jane to be my girlfriend.” 2. “I will meet 5 new people at college with in the first 2 weeks.” #2: Jane has a say in #1. You cannot control Jane.
G OALS : M EASURABLE A goal must tells us when you will accomplish your task. If there is no timeframe, how do you know when you need to measure? Which one is measurable? 1. “I am going to drop my time in the 200 by 3 seconds in 3 races.” 2. “I am going to take out the garbage.” #1: It doesn’t tell us when you will take the garbage out…
G OALS : D EFINABLE A goal must be one thing or have one finish line. It cannot have choices because you don’t know if you have completed your goal. Which one is definable? 1. “I am going to read for 45 minutes on Saturday.” 2. “I’m going to get an A or a B on my next math test.” #1: does it have to be an A or a B for success?