Four Presidents
President Jimmy Carter
Carter’s Administration Based his foreign policy on human rights The idea that governments should be protective of the civil rights of its citizens The idea that governments should be protective of the civil rights of its citizens Carter signed two treaties with Panama, gradually turning over full control of the canal to Panama by 2000 Carter helped arrange a peace treaty called the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel, the first treaty in history between Israel and an Arab nation the first treaty in history between Israel and an Arab nation
Iranian Crisis In 1979 Iranian fundamentalists stormed the American Embassy in Iran, taking 6 American hostages. Diplomatic attempts and a daring military rescue failed and resulted in the deaths of 8 American soldiers. The hostages were released by Iran on the same day Carter left office.
President Ronald Reagan January 20, 1981 January 20, 1989
1981 Reagan takes office Ronald Reagan, former governor of California became president Reagan pushed a conservative agenda Reagan criticized welfare, affirmative action programs and high taxes
Reagan’s inaugural parade
Reagan had been an actor
Regan Years Reagan called for a return to basic American values: an emphasis on family life, patriotism, respect for law and order, and a reduction in the intrusion of the federal government into the lives of Americans. He felt the government collected too much taxes and spent too much on social programs
Reagan blamed the bad economy on President Carter
Reaganomics Reagan strived to reduce taxes, particularly reducing the highest tax bracket Tax Reform Act of 1985 reduced brackets from 70% to 28% Argued that Americans should be free of strict government regulation
Criticism of Reaganomics Critics said that Reagan’s “trickle-down” theory benefited only the wealthy Refers to the idea that tax breaks or other economic benefits provided by government to businesses and upper income levels will benefit poorer members of society by improving the economy as a whole.
He reduced the rules placed by government on American businesses. He believed reducing taxes on businesses and individuals was a way to jumpstart the American economy. After a difficult start, businesses flourished under President Reagan’s economic policy. Inflation was tamed.
Reagan wanted to open federal lands to exploration
Reaganomics in practice Factors such as a rising stock market, deindustrialization in the USA, outsourcing, led to a decline in the standard of living for some Americans “Greed is healthy” said Wall Street financier Ivan Boesky Yuppies -> Young urban professionals earned higher incomes
Downside of Reaganomics Increased defense spending created large federal deficits National debt expanded Federal government bailed out failed Savings & Loans and other banks With less taxes coming in and a large increase in military spending to counter the Soviet Union. National debt = $3 trillion, by 1988
Reagan’s Civil Rights Reagan nominated Sandra Day O’Conner as the first woman on the Supreme Court Reagan cut back on some Great Society programs Reagan did not push the religious right’s agenda: abortion remained legal, etc.
But Reagan signed the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Bill
Reagan’s foreign policy Reagan was determined to reverse the “Vietnam syndrome” Reagan sent troops to Grenada to oust a pro-Cuban government The invasion lasted only a few days with only 19 Ameican deaths
USA attacked Libya April 1986, USA forces carried out a night time attack against Libya USA accused Libya of harboring terrorists, and being behind a bombing in Germany which killed 63 soldiers
Reagan called Russia the “evil empire”
Russia’s crackdown in Poland Russia stifled pro-democracy movements in Poland USA sent strongly worded messages to Russia
Reagan and the Soviet Union
Reagan met Gorbachev four times Mikhail Gorbachev wanted to reform Russia Gorbachev proposed glasnost (political openness) in Russia Gorbachev and Reagan proposed reductions of military weapons
Reagan in Berlin (1987): “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”
Iran-Contra Affair Congress passed a law banning arms sales to the Nicaraguan Contras Contras were fighting the Sandinista government of Nicaragua Lt. Oliver North set up a scheme to by-pass that law
Iran-Contra-GATE Congress held public hearings on the Iran- Contra Affair President Reagan appointed to Tower Commission to investigate 11 members of Reagan’s administration were convicted
Reagan left office in 1989
Reagan’s legacy Reagan did not dismantle New Deal programs Reagan kept executive departments he threatened to eliminate: Department of Education Reagan did not push the programs of the religious right Reagan created a new political agenda Renewed America’s spirit Placed the Democratic Party on the defensive
George H.W. Bush
Bush Administration Dealt heavily with foreign affairs and policy 1990, Iraq invaded and occupied Kuwait. To protect our oil interests the U.S routed the Iraqis from Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf War) Operation Desert Storm (Persian Gulf War)
Soviet Union In 1991 the Soviet Union collapsed 15 republics that had been part of the Soviet Union declared their independence Soviet flag was lowered for the last time on December 25, 1991 The Cold War had come to an end.
Domestic Bush did not have much luck with domestic policy He had difficulty with Congress The economy declined, which prompted him to raise taxes
President Bill Clinton January 20, 1993 January 20, 2001
Gov. Bill Clinton Gov. Clinton said that Republicans were bankrupting the USA “It’s the economy, stupid.” Democrats finally seemed unified -- the first time since 1964 Called for reform of government spending
Clinton and Al Gore Clinton selected Sen. Al Gore as his running mate This was the first ever “baby-boomer” ticket Al Gore and wife Tipper had a good marriage, to contrast with the apparent rocky marriage of Bill and Hillary
Immigration changes 500,000 Vietnamese refugees arrived in the USA More Hispanics crossed the border Hispanics may account for 35% of the USA population Chinese and Korean immigrants arrived by the tens of thousands
Immigration debate Illegal immigration continued to rise Many immigrants, even those from Asia, had low-paying jobs More religious diversity arrived with the new flow of immigrants
The Clinton agenda Desired to be an activist executive Democrats barely held majorities in Congress Clinton backed down on diversifying his Cabinet when some nominees were too controversial
Early Clinton initiatives “Don’t ask, don’t tell” -> Clinton tried to make room for homosexuals in the military Created a plan to reduce the federal deficits Signed NAFTA => North American Free Trade Agreement, linking the American economy with that of Mexico & Canada Brady Bill => the first serious gun control legislation since 1968 Banned ownership of assault weapons Banned ownership of assault weapons
Clinton and Ruth Bader Ginsberg 2 ND WOMAN SUPREME COURT JUSTICE
Economic agenda Clinton wanted to balance the federal budget and reduce deficits Clinton wanted higher corporate taxes A compromise budget was agreed to, with V-P Gore giving the tie-breaking vote
Welfare reform, 1996 Clinton signed the first sweeping reform bill Republican influence was evident in this new law Democratic Party ideals were altered by the Republicans Certain programs were cut
The new economy Stock market surge propelled the economy New technologies boosted the economy More corporations outsourced their production Many blue-collar jobs were out of work
More Mideast Peace Clinton promoted additional peace agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Authority
Clinton scandals Republicans had been investigating Clinton since 1994 Republicans spent millions of tax dollars pursuing Clinton The Lewinsky scandal led to Clinton’s impeachment in 1998 Clinton survived