La’Toya M. Stevens ED 402: Instructional Technology Intgration Dr. Adriana D’Alba, Instructor LPECC, Field Experience
Teacher: Ms. Stevens Subject Area: Social Studies Grade Level Expectation(s): Historical Thinking Skills- Demonstrate an awareness of time by using and responding to such words as yesterday, today, and tomorrow (PK-CSS-H1) (H-1A-E1) Grade Level: Pre-K Technology: Materials Needed: Power Point Time required: 15 minutes Lesson Title: First Thanksgiving Anticipatory set: “Hocus Pocus, everybody let’s focus!! Let’s put on our thinking and listening caps!” Objectives: TLW be able to state the small facts about the First Thanksgiving and tell what they are thankful for. Instructional Input: TTW inform the students about the First Thanksgiving TTW explain how the Pilgrims celebrated the First Thanksgiving and how we celebrated Thanksgiving today. Model: TTW present a PowerPoint will small facts and graphics about the First Thanksgiving Check for Understanding: TTW ask the students: Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? What are some of the foods that we eat for Thanksgiving? Guided Practice/Activities: TLW have their choice of a puzzle game or dressing the turkey Independent Practice: TLW choose the centers of choice and make Thanksgiving art. Lesson Closure: TTLW discuss what we are thankful for Thanksgiving Festival (small class Thanksgiving Dinner)
First Thanksgiving PowerPoint Here we are discussing the what they already know about thanksgiving some responses included but are not limited to ; what we are thankful for, ime for family, and eat food
Turkey Bingo I called out and wrote the letters of the Alphabet. If the students called BINGO, they received a sticker. All students had the opportunity to win While choosing the center of their choice, some students chose to play Turkey and dressing and thanksgiving puzzle online ressturk.htm ressturk.htm
Students raised their hands to share what they were thankful for