Welcome to Mrs. Ryan’s classroom! Curriculum Night Welcome to Mrs. Ryan’s classroom! Please “Dive In” and find your child’s desk. A special letter is waiting for you from your child. Please take some time to write back , and fill out the 3-2-1 sheet
This evening we will learn about: Info. About Your Teacher Second Grade Curriculum Testing Behavior Expectations/Plan Communication Tools Homework Expectations Conferences and more!
About Mrs. Ryan Originally from Mundelein, IL B.S/M.S. In Early Childhood Education from Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA. Taught 3rd grade for 6 years in Norfolk, VA Taught 3rd grade at Spencer Loomis in 2012, and 2nd grade since 2013. Currently living in Mundelein. Mom to Kelly -2yrs. And Lucas-13 months.
Second Grade Curriculum Emphasis on reading and writing skills throughout all of the subject areas. Workshop Model Mini-Lesson Work Time (Independent, Partners, Small Groups) Closing/Sharing
Reading Schoolwide Reading Fundamentals Series Aligned to Common Core Reading Standards Balanced Literacy Framework Interdisciplinary for Science and Social Studies integration Incorporates guided inquiry by exploring and investigating students’ questions To become a better reader, children must read at least 20 minutes every day
Writing Writing Workshop: * Children will practice the writing process and get to know how and why writers write in the ways they do * Students will learn and think about how writers work in order to emulate the process Aligned to the Common Core Writing Standards
Words Their Way Developmental spelling, phonics, and vocabulary program Teaches students to examine words to discover regularities, patterns, and conventions of the English language Purpose is to gain word knowledge Goal is to transfer knowledge to facilitate children to become better readers and writers
Math Math series is Origo Stepping Stones Number & Operations in Base Ten -– understanding place value to 1,000 and using place value to understand the properties of operations to add and subtract Measurement & Data - measure and estimate lengths in standard unit, relate addition and subtraction to length, work with time and money, represent and interpret date Geometry - reason with shapes and their attributes, specifically number of sides Operations & Algebraic Thinking - represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction, add and subtract fluently within 20
Science Science uses the National Geographic series as well as hands-on experiments and discovery Weather and the Water Cycle Pushes and Pulls Life Cycle of Insects Life Cycle of Plants
Social Studies Social Studies uses the MacMillan/McGraw-Hill series We Live Together Exploring the Earth Long Ago and Today Needs and Wants How the Government Works
Assessments MAP Testing Measure of Academic Progress testing MAP testing occurs three times a year * the first session occurs the week of September 8th Fountas & Pinnell Classroom tests are meant to assess progress in that subject area, not intended as a “massive cram course” the night before
Spencer Loomis Themes Respectful behavior Responsible for our actions Safe in our actions and behavior Arrival, dismissal, hallway and cafeteria expectations
Expectations for 2nd Grade Students will… Take responsibility for their behavior and earn ”Positive Dojo” in the classroom. Meet Spencer Loomis expectations for behavior. Bring a good attitude to school. Become independent and take responsibility for their learning. Parents will… Support learning efforts in the classroom. Support student independence. Communicate with Mrs. Ryan. Mrs. Ryan will… Create a classroom community environment that fosters learning Communicate with families.
Class Dojo Positive Dojo for positive learner characteristics and good choices Negative Dojo for poor choices Reports: Individual Goals and reward choices Consequences: 1 negative point= warning 2 negative points= “think sheet”/teacher chat 3 negative points= “Fix It Plan” goes home to be completed and signed *Severe behaviors- phone calls and office referrals
Communication Tools Assignment Notebooks: Homework is copied by students daily. Please check each night and sign after homework has been completed. O.C.E.A.N. Folders: These green folders hold all important homework pages and mail for your review. Please empty “Take Home” items, and help your child complete “Return” items daily. Classroom Website & email: Weekly Newsletters will be emailed and posted on the class website weekly. I will send and post other important information throughout the year to update families about important events and topics.
Contact Information Telephone (847) 719-3507 Email Jackie.Ryan@lz95.org Website http://www.lz95.org/classes/mrsryansclass_jryan/
How can you help at home? Read !!!!! (20 minutes daily) Encourage Responsibility Homework Starfish Student of the week Orbital Studies Please send in a note if your child is getting picked up early or has a change in his/her regular pick-up procedure
Helping In the Classroom Mystery Readers Readers for Book Audio Recordings Volunteer Sign Up sheets Donations..?
Introduction for Families
Thank you for visiting! Questions????? Please sign up for Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parent 3-2-1 3 -words that best describe your child. 2- Important things I should know about your child. 1- Wish you have for your child this school year.