Welcome to Language! With Ms. V
Today... Why are we in this class? Why does it matter if I can read? So, what will our classes look like? Set personal goals for the first nine weeks
Rationale or Why are we in this class? Think about your answer for 10 seconds. Don’t say anything aloud until I call on you.
On average, the better a person is able to read and write, the more money they will make during their lifetime. On average, the better a person is able to read and write, the more money they will make during their lifetime. Research shows that adolescents with reading problems can master college preparatory material if provided with appropriate, quality literacy instruction. Research shows that adolescents with reading problems can master college preparatory material if provided with appropriate, quality literacy instruction. Source: Alliance for Excellent Education, Fact sheet December 2004
Rationale Different people learn in different ways. You need to be taught the way you learn. This class will incorporate all learning styles. You will retrain your brain!!
Rationale Context & Meaning Processor Phonological Awareness Angular Gyrus Orthographic Processor
For example: blue The sky is blue. It is going to be a nice day! blue My brother is blue because he can’t go to the game tonight.
Rationale Context & Meaning Processor Phonological Awareness Angular Gyrus Orthographic Processor
Jobs of the Four Processing Systems Phonological Processor Orthographic Processor Meaning Processor Context Processor
How will we do this? Each day, we will build the following skills: Phonemic awareness and Phonics Word Recognition and Spelling Vocabulary and Morphology Grammar and Usage Listening and Reading Comprehension Speaking and Writing
Phonemic awareness and phonics are the building blocks of language. Think of them as the foundation of your reading house. This could not be builtwithout this
Word recognition and spelling are like the bricks in your house. You need to know where they go and how to use them correctly Or this may happen to your house
Vocabulary and morphology Language has a certain structure to it. As we learn about the morphology of language, you will begin to see patterns. b e g i n t o s e e p a t t e r n s. T h e s e p a t t e r n s w i l l h e l p y o u t o d e c o d e n e w w o r d s a n d b u i l d y o u r v o c a b u l a r y.
Grammar and Usage
Listening and Reading Comprehension In this step, we will apply what we learn to improve overall reading comprehension. This is will help you become college or career ready!
Speaking and Writing This is where everything comes together. Now that your reading house is built, it’s time to add something that reflects who you are. Will it look like thisor this?
What will all of this do for you? Your experience while reading and learning will go from this
What will all of this do for you? To this
What will all of this do for you? And eventually to this
What will all of this do for you? And maybe even this