What to expect Earth Its layers How they behave How new mantel is created
Layers 2 types Compositional Mechanical
Compositional Crust Mantel Core
Crust Low density Between 5-70 km thick 2 different types of crust Continental Under continents Varies in composition Varies in thickness Oceanic Under oceans Usually thinner (5-6 km) Mafic Uniform
Mantel High density Ultramafic silicate rock Over 2900 km thick and makes up over 80% of the volume of the Earth. The mantle is not molten!
Core Iron and nickel Liquid outer region Solid center The core is just over half the diameter of the Earth.
IMPORTANT These compositional layers have sharp or abrupt boundaries between them.
Mechanical layers Lithosphere Asthenosphere Mesosphere (lower mantel) Outer core Inner core
Lithosphere Most ridged layer of the earth About 100 km thick Really thin in mid ocean ridges Thicker under continents
Asthenosphere Plastic (kind of solid but it moves) About 100 km thick
Mesosphere Ridged (still can move, but less than asthenosphere) Takes up the rest of the mantel
Outer core Liquid Mostly iron and some other elements Actually a liquid (ONLY LAYER THAT IS TRUELLY A LIQUID) km thick
Inner core Ridged/solid Same composition as the outer core, just in solid form About ½ the size of the overall core km thick