Italy: tomato chr. 12 Country Representative: Dr. Giovanni Giuliano Contribution from Naples Funding Agency: Italian Ministry of Agriculture (MiPAF) Project title:AGRO-NANOTECH Coordinator: Prof. Luigi Frusciante (UNIV. of Naples) Investigators: Dr. Silvana Grandillo (IGV-CNR, Naples) Dr. Maria Raffaella Ercolano (UNIV. of Naples) Dr. Amalia Barone (UNIV. of Naples) Dr. Maria Luisa Chiusano (UNIV. of Naples) Total award for sequencing: 560,000 euro Start date: April 2004
CT211A TG CT19A 6.4 TG CT CT TG CD6A 1.6 TG TG CT287A 6.3 TG28A 1.0 CT239B 2.0 TG CT CT80B 6.1 CT TG CD2 12 o TM14B T659 cM#BACs Overgo probes cLPT6E TG TG T T T T T cLET8K T T T T T T T P SSR SSR TG T T T TG T T T T CD markers Chromosome 12 seed BACs STATUS: Seed BACs to be sequenced are being selected from the available list of 250 seed BACs which were identified in Cornell, for chr. 12, by means of 30 OverGo probes ( Projected # of BACs 113 Euchromatin portion = 11Mb
Sequencing Service Center Chromatogram (.abi,.scf) Phred scores Raw sequence (fasta) Local Bioinformatics Service (setup according to the Sol Genome Pipeline) Analysis Computational prediction Project specific analysis: Comparative genomics Phylogenetics Miglioramento genetico …….. Conflicts resolution and manual curation Project specific analysis: Comparative genomics and Phylogenetics Identification and characterization of genes Identification of Molecular Markers SNP Microarray design …….. Re-sequencing 5 BACs Available BACs 50 BACs Structural and functional annotation 113 BACs ???
Computational Hardware: Servers (Silicon Graphics, SUN, IBM) Workstations (Linux, Windows XP, Mac/OS), Personal Computers Software: open source software for structure and functional analyses of Nucleic Acids and Proteins Biothecnological DNA sequencers (ABI 310, ABI 3100, ABI 3100avant) Real Time PCR Typhoon image scan Facilities: