Third Grade Big Idea 2 Develop an understanding of fractions and fraction equivalence.
Why Fractions? Because sometimes they’re the only way to get your fair share… This is particularly important when it comes to cookies and candy bars :)
Is this you (or someone you know) ?
When asked this question, only 24% of 13- year olds and only 37% of 17-year olds could estimate correctly. Consider this concerning data… Estimate +. a)1b) 2 c) 19d) 21
Assessed with MA.3.A.2.3 Big Idea 2 Benchmarks
MA.3.A.2.1 Represent fractions, including fractions greater than one, using area, set and linear models.
Area Model An area model is useful for representing scenarios that involve wholes like cakes, candy bars, or pizzas I have 2, 16 inch pizzas that I want to share with 4 friends and me. How much pizza will we each get if we share all of the pizza equally? This shape is one- fourth of the whole. Draw a picture of what the whole would look like. Includes finding equal shares and finding the whole given part of it.
Another Example: Last night we had 3, 12-inch pizzas. The picture below shows how much of the pizza my family ate. How much pizza do we have left?
Answer: A FCAT 2.0 Sample Test Question
Let’s explore with color tiles!
Set Model Used to show discrete objects such as buttons, marbles, or muffins. Must also include finding the whole given the fractional part.
Julio has 12 train cars set up on his track. This is of his collection. How many train cars does he have?
Grab and Go Activity from Lesson 7.7 Materials:
Grab and Go Activity from Lesson 7.10 Sample Problem: Fourteen students went to the library to check out books. Fourteen students are of the class. How many students are in the class?
Linear Model The number line represents fractions with a linear model. Examples that fit this model include those with length and distance.
MA.3.A.2.2 Describe how the size of the fractional part is related to the number of equal sized pieces in the whole
MA.3.A.2.4 Use models to represent equivalent fractions including fractions greater than one, and identify representations of equivalence.
Answer: D FCAT 2.0 Sample Test Question
Grab and Go Activity from Lesson 8.2 Materials:
MA.3.A.2.3 Compare and order fractions, including fractions greater than one, using models and strategies.
1 Fractions—For these problems, circle the greater number of each pair and tell why it is greater.
Strategies to Compare/Order Fraction When the whole numbers are different, you only have to compare the whole numbers. >
Strategies to Compare/Order Fraction When the numerator is the same, look at the size of the pieces in the denominator. >
Strategies to Compare/Order Fraction Use benchmark numbers. < Think: 3 is less than half of the denominator so the fraction is less than 1/2 Think: 3 is more than half of the denominator so the fraction is more than 1/2
Strategies to Compare/Order Fraction Compare missing pieces > Think: 1/8 is missing.Think: 1/5 is missing. Since 1/5 is a larger missing piece than 1/8 then,
Grab and Go Activity from Lesson 8.5
Answer: A FCAT 2.0 Sample Test Question
Answer: H FCAT 2.0 Sample Test Question
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