Objectives Show you examples Provide Resources Allow time for collaboration and research Be available for guidance
Why Interactivity? Generational Learning Motivation Engagement Differentiation Active Learning
The Technology Continuum EaseEnrichExtend
Smart Made Simple
Integration Ideas Enhancing Classroom Discussion Modeling Demonstrating Collaborating
Enhancing Class Discussion Images as a stimulus for discussion Ex. Frogs life cycleFrogs life cycle Brainstorming/Notetaking Sorting
Modeling Model a skill or concept Ex. Virtual LabVirtual Lab Create your own notebook template Record notes on the interactive whiteboard Ex. Math problems, diagrams, outlines
Demonstrating Teaching a new concept or skill Ex. HaikuHaiku Peer Teaching Annotating with additional information or notes
Collaboration Collaborative Writing Ex. Notebooks, blogs, wikis Have students create their own notebook template after modeling the process with the class Group Problem Solving Ex. Perimeter ActivityPerimeter Activity
When Planning, Consider… Academic Needs Age and Ability Appropriateness Set Up Grouping Assessment
Ongoing Assessment and Evaluation Listen for understanding Look for engagement Ask open ended questions Collect evidence of success which reflects skill and concept development Give genuine, specific and immediate feedback and praise
Curriculum Resources and Ideas
Math Build graphsgraphs Explore patternspatterns Equivalent fractions Equivalent fractions Percentages Percentages Time Time
Science Explore habitats, landforms, etc.habitats Compare characteristics and properties (ex. rocks/minerals, plant/animal cells )plant/animal cells Conduct a dissection (ex. owl pellet)owl pellet Explore science visuals and processes (ex. cell parts, electrical circuit, life cycle, water cycle)water cycle Explore solar systemsolar system Go on virtual field trips (ex. Google Earth) Record science data (ex.wind, temperature, etc.)
Social Studies Build timelines Build timelines Compare time periods, groups, and civilizations Compare time periods, groups, and civilizations Compare political parties Examine primary resource materialsprimary resource Label maps Label maps Identify branches of governmentbranches of government Show development of cities, movement of people developments of products (ex. food from farm to city)movement of people Take virtual field trips
Communication Arts Check authenticity of a website Explore editing and proofreading marks Highlight words in sentences and paragraphs - use online literatureonline literature Use highlighter tool to show parts of speech Use a story starter (1, 2); write a class story12 Show a book cover for predicting and analysisbook cover
A Few Good Sites to Bookmark Whiteboard links Whiteboard links SMART - Education SMART - Education Starter Activity from Eduscape Starter Activity from Eduscape Electronic Whiteboard Electronic Whiteboard National Whiteboard Network National Whiteboard Network Whiteboard bookmarks Whiteboard bookmarks Whiteboard wiki Whiteboard wiki SMARTboard Lessons Podcast SMARTboard Lessons Podcast
SmartBoard +_______________ Notebook Google Lit Trips Maps Earth Sketch Up Graphic Organizers/Notetaking Digital Storytelling Voicethread Presentations
Your Task Work individually or with others Brainstorm ideas for lessons you could make “Smart” Spend time visiting the provided links and resources and researching ideas Share ideas with colleagues