Using Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 By Wendy Szatkowski
Rule #1 Always follow your instructor’s guidelines. (They’re the boss!)
General Guidelines Double-space the text of your paper. Use a legible font (like Times New Roman or Arial). Font size should be 12 pt. Margins are usually preset to 1” all around. Check “Page Layout” if unsure.
General Guidelines cont. First line of paragraphs indented one half-inch from the left margin. Header for page numbers in upper right-hand corner. (Note: Your instructor may ask that you omit the number on your first page. Always follow your instructor's guidelines.) One space after periods or other punctuation marks (unless otherwise instructed by your instructor).
Works Cited Page—basic format Separate page at end of research paper One-inch margins all the way around (default setting) Last name, page number header Title—Works Cited (just those two words, no quotations, no bold, no nothing!) centered at the top of the page Double-spaced (do not skip spaces between entries) Hanging indentations. Be sure you are using MLA citation, latest edition!!!!
How to Create Citations Many web pages will have a link directly on the page to create a citation for you. Best resource for using citations correctly: owl purdue There are also citation creator programs on the Internet like “Citation Machine, Easy Bib, and Citation Builder.” However, be sure to cross-reference with Owl Purdue If you choose to use the citation creation on Microsoft Word, be warned it leaves out some things that are required! You will have to cross check with Owl Purdue and edit your citation.
The End If you have any questions, or need help, Mrs. Moreland or myself (Mrs. Szatkowski) are in the library. Come by and see us!