Sustainability In University Labs Apis Mellifera, UOE Apiary Project
The Challenges - Meeting Climate Targets, Delivering World Class Facilities… 550 Buildings (350 Core; 200 Residential) 121 listed – 99 of core listed £780M Annual turnover Old Moray House, 1500’s 823,000m² WHERE WE ARE
Growing campus Global research Big data We emit more carbon per person than other Russell Group universities
What is the University doing about it? Operationally Equality and Diversity CHP, District Heat, Energy Efficiency Projects (£20m) Staff and Student Engagement Fair Trade and Sustainable Procurement Energy efficient design Green spaces and promoting biodiversity Responsible Investment Active Travel Sustainable Food
Laboratories Large footprint, with especially high energy consumption + other SRS issues Health & safety Efficiency Important sites for influencing the attitudes and behaviour of the staff and students who work and study in them "labs embody the spirit, culture, and economy of our age...what the cathedral was to the 14th century and the office building was to the 20th century, the laboratory is to the 21st century.“ (Dan Prowler, US Architect)
Chemicals and materials Reduce volume: – Structure the scope of your experiment to minimise the quantities involved, especially if using rare or hazardous materials Reduce hazard: – Where possible, substitute out hazardous chemicals for less hazardous options – SIN (Substitute It Now) – SubsPort Check before ordering: Before ordering more of a chemical, ask around other labs/other floors to see if you can borrow (especially if only a small amount)
Chemicals and materials cont. Label: – Ensure any container is clearly labelled with contents, date, name of owner, (expiry), (hazard) Wash, not waste! – Where suitable, please use re-usable equipment/containers rather than single-use items (wash/autoclave after use)
Cold Storage Assess! – Does your material need to be stored at -80⁰C, or could it cope with a higher temperature? – Have you minimised the volume of material you are storing in the ULT freezer? Label all freezer contents clearly – Your name, materials, expiry date ULT freezers (“minus 80s”) can use £1,000 of energy annually
Cold Storage cont. Clear out! – Get rid of samples which are no longer needed and avoid further purchases Defrost! – Ice build-up poses a risk to samples by stopping the door from closing properly, and also reduces energy efficiency
Fume Cupboards Shut the sash! – This improves safety and reduces energy consumption Switch off when not in use – Ask to find out if possible to switch off The air handling required for just one fume cupboard (FC)can cost c.£2,000 per year
Fume Cupboards cont. Reduce clutter – Air will flow better in a FC where there are no obstacles to the flow, so keep the air vents clear – Do not use the FC as a storage cupboard!
Building services Lighting – Make use of natural day light as much as possible and switch off electric lighting – Assign responsibility among your co-workers for switching off lights (“last out, switch off”) Heating/cooling Control with thermostat (i.e. heat up to c.20⁰C, cool down to c.24⁰C)
Scientific Equipment Share equipment! Sharing provides researchers with back-up equip, reducing down-time, and enables better research and collaborations Check before you buy new equipment, you may be able to borrow (short or long-term) Switch off when not in use – especially at the end of the day! Fit plug-in timers if regular hours of use
Scientific Equipment cont. Plan your experiments so they don’t run over night Choose the right size of equipment for the task Don’t use a holding temperature of 4⁰C over night on qPCR machines (they are not designed to be long-term fridges)
Cleaning/Sterilisation Don’t dry pipette tips over 40⁰C, they will warp. Waste and energy! Don’t use drying cycles on glasswashers – use drying oven instead (more efficient) Don’t put items on the floor of the drying oven, it affects the thermostat and increases energy consumption.
Cleaning/Sterilisation cont. Ensure dishwashers, autoclaves and drying ovens are only used when full, and switched off when not in use Autoclaves must get rid of air in order to adequately sterilise So don’t tie bags of autoclave waste too tight If using a non-vacuum autoclave, ensure items are carefully and precisely arranged to ensure adequate sterilisation
Waste and recycling Reduce use of single-use disposable items to a practical minimum (e.g. lab plastics, gloves) Segregate lab waste out into the following streams: – Hazardous waste, landfill waste, metal recycling, paper recycling, Winchester bottles (supplier take-back), tip box inserts recycling, cardboard recycling. Ensure waste is appropriately segregated, as there is a health and safety impact as well as a substantial cost impact of sending waste to the wrong destination.
Water Don’t leave equipment rinsing under a running tap – less effective cleaning and wasteful. Use water-using equipment sparingly and switch off when not in use Use treated water (e.g. chilled, purified, deionised or distilled water) sparingly and choose the right size of equipment for the task
To Summarise… The University has made a strong commitment… We are already doing a lot of good things Can’t be done from one place or just in one way - needs support, involvement, ideas We are here to support you…
Get involved. Get in touch… Edinburgh Sustainability Awards – Events and Workshops Social Responsibility and Sustainability Reports reports/reports EdSust EdinburghSustainability