Countable vs Uncountable Nouns
Some, Any, A few, A little, Many, Much How much....? = uncountable nouns For example: How much coffee do you drink? For example: How much coffee do you drink? How many....? = countable nouns For example : How many cups of coffee do For example : How many cups of coffee do you drink? you drink?
How many? Countable Nouns Countable Nouns In In Questions: We use how many with plural countable nouns: Questions: We use how many with plural countable nouns: "How many newspapers do you read "How many newspapers do you read every day?" every day?" "How many Euros have you got?" "How many Euros have you got?"
How much? How much? Uncountable Nouns Uncountable Nouns We use how much with uncountable nouns: "How much paper is in the printer?" "How much money have you got?"
Learn It Some Countable There are some:people. cups. books. newspapers. chairs. shoes. Euros.
Learn It Some Uncountable There is some: money. traffic. paper. time. coffee. food.
Countable Statements: We can use some in positive sentences with plural countable nouns: sentences with plural countable nouns: Positive: I read some books.
Uncountable We can use some in positive sentences with uncountable nouns: uncountable nouns: I would like some coffee. I would like some coffee.
Countable There aren't any people. cups. books. newspapers. chairs. shoes. Euros.
Uncountable There isn't any money. traffic. paper. time. coffee. food.
Statement: We can use any in negative sentences with plural countable nouns: with plural countable nouns:Negative: I don't read any books. I don't read any books. We can use any in negative sentences with We can use any in negative sentences with uncountable nouns: uncountable nouns: I don't want any coffee. I don't want any coffee.
Countable Are (n't) there any:people? cups? books? newspapers? chairs? shoes? Euros?
Uncountable Is (n't) there anymoney? traffic? paper? time? coffee? food?
Questions: we can use any in questions with plural countable nouns: countable nouns: Positive Q: Are there any books? Negative Q: Aren't there any books? We can use any in questions with plural We can use any in questions with plural uncountable nouns: uncountable nouns: Do you need any coffee? Do you need any coffee? Don't you need any coffee? Don't you need any coffee?
!Note! When you expect the answer to be "Yes." to an offer or polite request, you can ask a question using some. Countable Countable Question : Can I have some books, please? Uncountable Question: Would you like some coffee?
A few There are a fewpeople cups books newspapers chairs shoes Euros
A little A little There is a littlemoney traffic paper time coffee food
Countable - Uncountable Countable - Uncountable Statements: Positive : "I meet a few people every day.“ "I only have a few Euros.“ "I only have a few Euros.“ "There is a little paper in the printer." "There is a little paper in the printer." "I only have a little money." "I only have a little money."
Many There aren't manypeople cups books newspapers chairs shoes
Much There isn't muchmoney traffic paper time coffee food
Countable Statements: Negative: I don't read many books. Questions: Positive Q: Are there many books? Negative Q: Aren't there many books?
Uncountable Statements: Statements: Negative: I don't drink much coffee. Questions: Positive Q: Do you need much coffee? Negative Q: Don't you need much coffee?