FERC Order 1000 and its Potential Implications for BCCPG Transmission Providers BCCPG Steering Committee Meeting 20 September 2011
Issued in July 2011 –Effective Date: 11 Oct, 2011 –Compliance filings: 11 Oct 2012 & 11 Apr 2013 Builds on reforms of Order 890 Requires transmission planning at regional level that results in a transmission plan Requires that cost of transmission solutions chosen be allocated fairly to beneficiaries NOTE: FERC’s use of word “regional” equates to ‘sub-regional” in West FERC ORDER 1000
Sub-regional Planning Groups in West
BC Coordinated Planning Group Formed in March 2011 Composed of transmission facility owners within British Columbia Goals of the BCCPG: –Promote efficient development of the electric transmission system; –Provide a forum for interaction with other utilities, sub-regional planning groups and stakeholders within the WECC as transmission plans are developed; and –Enable coordination of regional and subregional planning activities.
Transmission Planning Participate in a regional transmission planning process; Produce a regional transmission plan; Consider federal and state public policy requirements; Transmission providers in neighbouring regions must coordinate on efficient/cost-effective solutions; Distinction: facilities in a plan vs facilities “selected for cost allocation”.
Cost Allocation Each regional transmission planning process must have a cost allocation method that satisfies 6 regional cost allocation principles; Neighouring transmission planning regions must also have a common interregional cost allocation method; Participant funding is permitted but not as cost allocation method; If region cannot decide on cost allocation method, FERC will decide for it!
Clarification/Rehearing Requests Many entities concerned about Rule and have filed clarification/rehearing requests: –FERC exceeding authority –Allocation of costs to beneficiaries outside region –States’ rights and role –Cannot impose requirements on non-jurisdictionals Requests for rehearing or clarification were filed by several PNW entities including: –Northern Tier Transmission Group –Bonneville Power Administration –Iberdrola