Environment and Security Initiative - ENVSEC - Working Group on Integrated Water Resource Management October 2008
Purpose To contribute to reduction of environment and security risks, and strengthened cooperation between and within countries
OSCE – regional security expertise on early warning, conflict prevention, conflict management and post-conflict rehabilitation UNEP - assessments of the state of the environment and expertise on environmental policies, institutions and laws UNDP – expertise on linkages between environmental trends and human security as well as poverty reduction UNECE - environmental policy and international environmental law, including five regional environmental conventions REC – regional expertise and network of professionals of environmental field work NATO – associated member providing technical and financial support to clean-up and remediation efforts Partners
UNECE Conventions Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution EIA in a Transboundary Context Transboundary Waters Transboundary Effects of Industrial Acidents Aarhus
Principles and Approaches Links between peacebuilding, governance, development and environment Participatory approach: National Focal Points and stakeholders to shape the program Responsiveness to local priorities Potential for environmental peacemaking in every region Two-stages approach: Assessments and Work Programmes
Assessment reports Amudarya and East Caspian Assessments are about to be finalised The case of Eastern Europe, Belarus – Moldova – Ukraine, 2007 The case of the Ferhana valley, Central Asia - Ferghana / Osh / Khujand area, 2005 The Case of the Southern Caucasus, 2004 The Case of Central Asia and South Eastern Europe, 2003
Work Programmes In-depth vulnerability assessment, early warning and monitoring Strengthening policies, institutions and awareness Capacity building. In areas where specific risks are present ‘ Clean-up and remediation ’ by mobilizing financial support and technical expertise
How it works Field presences of OSCE, UNDP, and REC, ENVSEC - in 20 countries Close cooperation with national experts, NGOs and research institutes Over 50 projects implemented Supported by: Austria, Belgium Canada, the Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the USA
Projects under the Water Convention Capacity building for cooperation on dam safety in Central Asia. Enhancing Regional Exchange of Water Resource Information in Central Asia, CAREWIB II. Transboundary cooperation and sustainable management of the Dniester river. Support to a bilateral agreement under the UNECE Water Convention between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Bi-/multilateral arrangements for prevention of transboundary environmental conflicts: the Timok River shared by Bulgaria and Serbia.
Dniester cooperation
Dniester River Basin Aims at the improvement of the joint management of the basin Promote the adoption of the new Dniester River basin Agreement Facilitate cooperation between sanitary- epidemiological services of the two states Support activities on biodiversity conservation (with focus on fisheries) Facilitate information exchange at the national and basin-wide levels Raise public awareness and media coverage of the basin environmental issues.
Kura cooperation
Kura River Basin Support Georgia to ratify and implement the UNECE Water Convention Strengthen transboundary water cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia Draft bilateral agreement, including the establishment of a joint management body
Timok Cooperation
Timok River Basin Facilitate cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia on the Timok River Basin Developing a bilateral agreement on transboundary waters, which will also include the above basin
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