Theodore Roosevelt By Ryan Moran
Growing Up Grown up in New York. He was born Theodore had 4 siblings including him. He watched Abrahams funeral. Theodore's dad died from stomach cancer. Then graduates Harvard.
Joins republicans Was elected to New York assembly. He was the youngest man to be elected He served from In 1883 he was minority leader. Also joins the national guard. Commissioned a second lieutenant in B company of New York eight Regiment.
His family He marries Alice Hathaway She gives birth to a child. Also he remarries and has 2 more children. He wrote some more books.
The rough rider Was a assistant secretary of the navy. He was also leading advocate of the liberation of Cuba. Since Theodore lacked military experiences Roosevelt told Leonard Wood be given command of the volunteer cavalry regiment. TR was made lieutenant colonel of the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry soon popularly known as the Rough Riders.
Established National Forest service Wichita Forest, Oklahoma made first federal game preserve. Other federal game preserves established by TR are Grand Canyon 1908 Fire Island, Alaska 1909 and National Bison Range, Montana TR published Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter.
Bull moose party Also known as the Progressive party – formed in 1912 It was a political party that was formed by a split in the Republican party. Theodore Roosevelt lost the Republican nomination It was called Bull Moose because TR said he was strong like a moose.
Home stead Act The distribution of Government lands had been an issue since the Revolutionary War With the secession of Southern states from the Union and therefore removal of the slavery issue, finally, in 1862, the Homestead Act was passed and signed into law The new law established a three- fold homestead acquisition process: filing an application, improving the land, and filing for deed of title.
Noble piece prize TR was the first American to get the reward. TR received the reward while he was in Europe. He was going to decline to keep the money reward. TR got it for negotiated that led to the treaty of Portsmouth for ending the war.
Theodore dies Before he dies he refuses to take governor of New York. In 1918 Roosevelt published a book called the great adventure. Theodore Roosevelt died in his sleep in January 6, He died from a blood clot.