A Typhoon is a Mature tropical cyclone that develops in the northwest part of the Pacific Ocean between 180 degrees and 100 degrees east.
To form a Typhoon, you need these conditions: A warm sea surface, Atmospheric Instability, High humidity in the lower to middle levels of the troposphere, enough coriolis force to develop a low pressure center, a pre-existing low level focus or disturbance, a low vertical wind shear. While these conditions are necessary they DO NOT GUARUNTEE a Typhoon.
Typhoon Zeb (1998) over the western North Pacific shows a disc-like rotating cloud mass typical of tropical cyclones. The image was originally captured by the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite (GMS-5) of Japan Meteoroogical Agency (JMA). Anyone wishing to further disseminate the satellite image should seek permission from JMA, Ote-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan (Fax: ). l Typhoons if they are formed out in the ocean and stay there the y can last from a few days to a few weeks until they reach land. And it takes them a couple weeks to form.
They Usually happen from June Through November.
Typhoons can destroy homes and cause million and millions of dollars in damage depending on the category.
typhoons are large and sometimes intensely violent storm systems. In meteorological terms, they are tropical cyclones that have maximum sustained winds of at least 120 km/h (75 mph). Atlantic and eastern Pacific storms are called hurricanes, from the West Indian huracan ("big wind"), whereas western Pacific storms are called typhoons, from the Chinese taifun, "great wind."