CGMSC National Junior Honor Society Qualifications-only 7 th and 8 th graders (6 th graders- If you are interested in NJHS next year, keep working on your grades!!!) Scholarship-3.6/4.0- cumulative grade through all semesters at CGMSC Cumulative Grade Point GPA will not be rounded GPA’s are now available on Skyward Character Citizenship Leadership Service
Timeline 1/25 Introduce NJHS to students via announcements NJHS information available on school website Alert message to parents concerning NJHS Invitations sent to students 2/10 NJHS Applications due in office by 4:00 p.m. Recommendations due in office by 4:00 p.m. 2/11-2/25: Selection/rating process by CGMSC faculty 2/26: Letters of acceptance/Letters of rejection mailed 3/10: Dress rehearsal for induction ceremony 3/14: Induction ceremony
Process for Selection Students will receive invitations in math class today based on cumulative GPA Students who are interested in joining must complete an information sheet and get 2 recommendations One recommendation must be from a teacher The second recommendation can be from an adult who is not a family member and who knows you in some sort of capacity (can be a MS coach who is also a teacher) One morning help session will be offered on Tuesday, February 2 nd, in the LGI so students can ask questions about NJHS or get help with their information sheets
Process for Selection CGMSC staff will evaluate all students who have completed an information sheet and an anonymous faculty council will select inductees for NJHS (Mrs. Boas and Mrs. Taylor are NOT a part of the selection committee) Mrs. Boas and Mrs. Taylor can NOT write recommendations Inductees will receive a letter of acceptance in the mail on or after February 26 th Induction ceremony and rehearsal are Mandatory and will take place 3/10 (rehearsal) and 3/14 (induction ceremony).
CGMSC NJHS Website You will find the NJHS bylaws, brochure, information sheet, and recommendation forms on the CGMSC website under “Activities.” Parents will receive an alert to inform them of our NJHS Induction Ceremony.