Purchasing A Computer The “How to’s” and “Don’t do’s” By: Samia Abdeen
Main Necessities for a Home Computer CPU (OS operating system, CDRW) Monitor Printer Keyboard Mouse Anti-virus protection system
Basic Software Microsoft Word (used for typing documents) Microsoft Excel (mainly used for stocks and book keeping) Microsoft Power Point (used for slide show presentations) Microsoft Paint (Can be used as some what of an image editor and to create images)
Advanced Software Image Editing Programs (used to edit images and give them a more full effect than your computer name system would) Digital Video and Audio Multimedia projects (these are used to listen to MP3’s and to watch DVD videos on your computer) Lime Wire (This program is used to download music from the internet. Costs $20)
Affordable Computers Price Range $400- $600 The most affordable computer from Dell is $568 with a $125 mail in rebate. Includes all basic hardware and software
Expensive Range $ Includes all advanced software Surround sound speakers 26 in flat panel Portable keyboard And anything else you might think of
Distinguishing the two
Computers by MAC
CPU (Central Processing Unit)
Printers $119 $99
Keyboards and Mice
Speakers and Sound Systems
CD-RW/DVD Drive What is a CD-RW/DVD Combination Drive? This drive brings all the advantages of DVD-ROM, CD-RW, and CD-ROM to a single drive.
Firewall and Protection Systems