University of Colorado Boulder ASEN 5070: Statistical Orbit Determination I Fall 2015 Professor Brandon A. Jones Lecture 2: Basics of Orbit Propagation
University of Colorado Boulder Homework 0 ◦ You do not need to turn it in ◦ Intended to be a tutorial for those who have never used a numeric integrator (ode45()/ode113()/odeint()) Homework 1 – Due September 4 by start of lecture Office Hours: ◦ Prof. Jones: W 3-4pm & Th 11-12noon ECNT 420 ◦ Eduardo: W 2-3pm & Th 2:30-4:30pm ECAE 1B44 (not CCAR meeting room!) Syllabus questions? 2
University of Colorado Boulder The orbit propagation problem (Chapter 2) ◦ Two-body problem ◦ Orbital elements ◦ Potential theory ◦ Perturbed Satellite Motion 3
University of Colorado Boulder 4 Two-Body Motion
University of Colorado Boulder First, we start with Newton’s second law: Combine that with Newton’s law of universal gravitation To get the gravity acceleration 5
University of Colorado Boulder 6
University of Colorado Boulder For unperturbed dynamics about a central body: 7
University of Colorado Boulder What’s μ? μ = GM G = ± × km 3 /kg/s 2 M Earth ~ × kg ◦ or × kg ◦ or × kg ◦ Use a value and cite where you found it! μ Earth = 398, ± km 3 /s 2 (Tapley, Schutz, and Born, 2004) How do we measure the value of μ Earth ? 8
University of Colorado Boulder We express orbit energy as a specific energy (energy per unit mass) instead of absolute energy For two-body motion, the specific energy is 9
University of Colorado Boulder Center of mass of two bodies moves in straight line with constant velocity Specific angular momentum ◦ Consequence: motion is planar Energy per unit mass (scalar) is constant 10
University of Colorado Boulder The mass of the satellite is negligible relative to the primary body ◦ What are some possible exceptions to this? The coordinate system is inertial ◦ What is the problem with this assumption? The bodies are spherical with uniform mass density ◦ Is that true? No other forces act on the system ◦ That isn’t true either… 11
University of Colorado Boulder 12 Orbit Elements
University of Colorado Boulder The six orbit elements (or Kepler elements) are constant in the two-body problem ◦ Define shape of the orbit: a: semimajor axis e: eccentricity ◦ Define the orientation of the orbit in space: i: inclination Ω: angle defining location of ascending node (AN) : angle from AN to perifocus; argument of perifocus ◦ Reference time (different options): t p : time of perifocus Mean/true/eccentric anomaly at some time (requires two parameters) 13
University of Colorado Boulder Consider an ellipse Periapse/perifocus/periapsis ◦ Perigee, perihelion r = radius r p = radius of periapse r a = radius of apoapse a = semi-major axis e = eccentricity = (r a -r p )/(r a +r p ) r p = a(1-e) r a = a(1+e) ω = argument of periapse f/υ = true anomaly 14
University of Colorado Boulder i - Inclination Ω - RAAN ω – Arg. of Perigee 15
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Colorado Boulder Cartesian Coordinates ◦ x, y, z, vx, vy, vz in some coordinate frame Keplerian Orbital Elements ◦ a, e, i, Ω, ω, ν (or similar set) Topocentric Elements ◦ Right ascension, declination, radius, and time rates of each When are each of these useful? 17
University of Colorado Boulder Shape: ◦ a = semi-major axis ◦ e = eccentricity Orientation: ◦ i = inclination ◦ Ω = right ascension of ascending node ◦ ω = argument of periapse Position: ◦ ν = true anomaly What if i=0? If orbit is equatorial, i = 0 and Ω is undefined. ◦ In that case we can use the “True Longitude of Periapsis”, i.e., the angle from the vernal equinox (inertial X-axis) to the perifocus 18
University of Colorado Boulder Shape: ◦ a = semi-major axis ◦ e = eccentricity Orientation: ◦ i = inclination ◦ Ω = right ascension of ascending node ◦ ω = argument of periapse Position: ◦ ν = true anomaly What if e=0? If orbit is circular, e = 0 and ω is undefined. ◦ In that case we can use the “Argument of Latitude”, i.e., the angle from ascending node to satellite 19
University of Colorado Boulder Shape: ◦ a = semi-major axis ◦ e = eccentricity Orientation: ◦ i = inclination ◦ Ω = right ascension of ascending node ◦ ω = argument of periapse Position: ◦ ν = true anomaly What if i=0 and e=0? If orbit is circular and equatorial, neither ω nor Ω are defined ◦ In that case we can use the “True Longitude”, i.e., the angle between the satellite position vector and the vernal equinox 20
University of Colorado Boulder Shape: ◦ a = semi-major axis ◦ e = eccentricity Orientation: ◦ i = inclination ◦ Ω = right ascension of ascending node ◦ ω = argument of periapse Position (at time t): ◦ ν = true anomaly ◦ M = mean anomaly Special Cases: ◦ If orbit is circular, e = 0 and ω is undefined. In that case we can use the “Argument of Latitude” ◦ If orbit is equatorial, i = 0 and Ω is undefined. In that case we can use the “True Longitude of Periapsis” ◦ If orbit is circular and equatorial, neither ω nor Ω are defined In that case we can use the “True Longitude” 21
University of Colorado Boulder Handout offers one conversion. We’ve coded up Vallado’s conversions ◦ ASEN 5050 implements these ◦ Check out the code RVtoKepler.m Check errors and/or special cases when i or e are very small! 22
University of Colorado Boulder 23 A Brief Introduction to Potential Theory
University of Colorado Boulder Potential theory provides a means for studying harmonic functions Given the potential energy V for a system, then 24
University of Colorado Boulder In astrodynamics, we often write This gives us In HW 1, you will use potential theory to derive the two-body equation 25
University of Colorado Boulder 26 Homework 1
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 1: Problem 2:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 3: Problem 4:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 5: Problem 6:
University of Colorado Boulder Homework # 1 Problem 7: Solution method discussed next week!
University of Colorado Boulder 31 Perturbed Satellite Motion
University of Colorado Boulder The 2-body problem provides us with a foundation of orbital motion In reality, other forces exist which arise from gravitational and nongravitational sources In the general equation of satellite motion, a is the perturbing force (causes the actual motion to deviate from exact 2-body) 32
University of Colorado Boulder Sphere of constant mass density is not an accurate representation for planets Define gravitational potential function such that the gravitational acceleration is: 33
University of Colorado Boulder 34 The commonly used expression for the gravitational potential is given in terms of mass distribution coefficients J n, C nm, S nm l is degree, m is order Coordinates of evaluation point are given in spherical coordinates: r, geocentric latitude φ, longitude
University of Colorado Boulder U.S. Vanguard satellite launched in 1958, used to determine J 2 and J 3 J 2 represents most of the oblateness; J 3 represents a pear shape J 2 ≈ x J 3 ≈ x 10 -6
University of Colorado Boulder Our new orbit energy is Is this constant over time? Why or why not? What if we only include J 2 in U’ and pure rotation about Z-axis for Earth? 36
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University of Colorado Boulder 38 Atmospheric drag is the dominant nongravitational force at low altitudes if the celestial body has an atmosphere Drag removes energy from the orbit and results in da/dt < 0, de/dt < 0 Orbital lifetime of satellite strongly influenced by drag From D. King-Hele, 1964, Theory of Satellite Orbits in an Atmosphere
University of Colorado Boulder What are the other forces that can perturb a satellite’s motion? ◦ Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP) ◦ Thrusters ◦ N-body gravitation (Sun, Moon, etc.) ◦ Electromagnetic ◦ Solid and liquid body tides ◦ Relativistic Effects ◦ Reflected radiation (e.g., ERP) ◦ Coordinate system errors ◦ Spacecraft radiation 39