Presentation Outline Board Direction 90% Plan Modifications Cost Estimates Project Timeline Recommendation
Board Direction Approved motion from August 2009 –Approve the revised 60% plans as presented and direct staff to proceed with 90% plan development with the following changes: 1.From Station to Station follow the original path 2. Look in front of Cobblefield and determine how wide the additional asphalt is past the markings on the pavement.
Typical Cross Section 2’ PAVED SHOULDER VARIES 8’ 20’ VARIES 66’-100’ 2’ CURB & GUTTER
Multi-use Path Relocation Relocated path back to original alignment
Cobblefield Entrance
Proposed Understory Trees
Estimated Costs Resurfacing$772,000 Paved shoulder$28,000 Multi-use path$85,000 Landscaping$13,000 Total$898,000
Project Timeline 90% plan approval by BoCC Bid award and contract approval by BoCC
Recommendation Approve the 90% design plans as presented and direct staff to finalize the plans and proceed to the bid phase.
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