Creation of the Technical Manual August 19, Unified Land Development Code (LDC) adopted which sets forth regulations, requirements, and procedures governing the use and development of land. A “how to” document needed to assist applicants, contractors, developers, and the public in working within the parameters of the LDC.
Prepared by City staff, the Technical Manual is divided into the following 8 sections: Section I:Signs and Advertising Section II:Architecture Section III:Trees, Landscaping, Buffers, & Irrigation Section IV:Traffic Impact Study Section V:Engineering Design Standards Section VI:Utilities Section VII:Environmental Section VIII:Process, Applications, Checklists, Flowcharts, Forms, and Maps
The Technical Manual facilitates the application of the Code. Pictures Diagrams Tables Templates Processes Checklists Flowcharts Hyperlinks
PICTURES Examples of buffers Good example of Class 1 perimeter buffer on special arterial or collector roads showing effective use of lower accent plants in front of the taller parking lot visual buffer shrubs. Good example of Class 1 front buffer showing good use of accent palms, taller foundation planting on columns, and monument sign landscaping.
ARCHITECTURAL The LDC defines types of roofs, the Technical Manual provides illustrations Gable Hip Gambrel Shed Mansard
Examples of Exterior Articulation Techniques
Examples of Massing for Nonresidential
Drawings 60' Right-of-Way Street Tree Planting Plan View
Technical Site Plan Obtained from Section VIII: Process, Applications, Checklists, Flowcharts, Maps, and Forms