Experiential Learning for Innovation and Culture Change
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com The issue: In training or organizational initiatives Attempting change by using the same methods that created the current system Training resulting in aligned behavioural change on the job— “Transfer” Retaining/remembering/utilizing training points & learning in the face and pace of the regular work flow Engaging participants and generating ownership and commitment Death by PowerPoint 2
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com “Systemic” Experiential Learning Supports the development of self-awareness in a system Includes all learning styles “Unlocks” the system Tends to open people up Takes issues from the theoretical to “real” Participants co-create their learning experience
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com “Systemic” Experiential Learning Can be used for Diagnostics—What’s going on in the system/organization/team? Can be used to facilitate learning
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Experiential Learning Create an activity that is energetic and emotionally engaging—have a context of holding the space to create Authentic community Set up for people to be observant and self-aware, and carefully observe what happens in the activity Debrief/review what happened Make commitment to follow-up, next actions
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Whole-System Learning principles: When both the emotional mind and rational mind are engaged, learning has more impact, lasts longer and is more readily recalled. When learners discover concepts and insights for themselves, as opposed to "being taught", they are more motivated to learn and more likely to apply what they have learned. Learning is like medicine -- best in small doses; following these small doses with reflection and practice increases retention and application. Highly effective learning solutions exhibit elegant simplicity; allowing learners go deeper in fewer areas, rather than shallower in more areas increases learning application.
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Head, Heart, Hands
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Accelerating & Sustaining Change 8 Guiding Ideas Innovations in Infrastructure Theory, methods, and tools Awareness & Sensibilities Skills & Capabilities Attitudes & Beliefs Enduring Change Action
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com From Roger Greenaway reviewing.co.uk
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com feedback is the ultimate gift... 10
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Examples London not-for-profit—Innovation Pratt & Whitney—Organizational change GSK—Empowerment Panasonic—Division reorganization Leadership training—BAC, J&J, FedEx, Corning
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Program Design Strategically place experiential learning pieces to open, explore, and reinforce other types of learning, like classroom or lecture Use “rhythmically” to build momentum, and give consistent variety to learning modes Design to include participants’ ideas, motivations, and self-expression
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Design—Sample Program introduction Opening EL activity—Ice break, engage, set tone, diagnose Classroom module one Break Classroom module two EL activity—Reinforce information from classroom modules, put into action, discover learning in real time
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Design—Sample cont. Lunch Warmup activity—Reengage after meal, Information presentation Breakout discussion of info presented Break Classroom module three EL activity—Summary of learning, put into action, discover action/ideas to take back, energize for finish Action plan and wrap up
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Design To be effective systemic experiential learning must: Fit the content and context of the work being done, i.e not tacking some on just to have it Be well-facilitated— Since learning is non-linear, the facilitator guides the process and brings order to chaos Emotions and issues can surface with surprising suddenness and energy Facilitator/consultant needs to be cognizant of current culture and norms in the organization
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Q & A….
metacg.com facethemusicblues.com Thank you! Paul Kwiecinski